Just a reminder: back when Fox moved the
"American Idol" results show opposite
"Lost," I said I would always watch and blog about "Lost" before even thinking about "Idol." This week, thanks to last night's presidential presser, it's the second half of the "Idol" two-hour performance show opposite "Lost," and I'm still sticking with my pals on Craphole Island. So don't bank on any "Idol" commentary from me until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Based on the number of comments for each show (if not the Nielsen ratings), I suspect most of you will agree with the choice.
We do, thank you.
Lost is by far the better choice. Good work!
Bravo Alan! I never comment on Lost b/c I am so late to the game, but Idol can be DVR'd and watched later...skipping Ryan, Paula, Randy, Kara and teh commercials.
Totally agree. The Idol move has totally messed up Tivo the next two nights; Suvivor and Scrubs are at 8, Lost at 9. Sadly, I took JD and crew off my to do list tonight, but plan to watch it online.
Thursday is as muttled with the NCAA Tourney in the mix. My Name is Earl will likely get the axe. Sigh...
I'm gonna go ahead and guess this wasn't a tough choice.
I will be curious to see the ratings tomorrow, to see if Idol drops off at all from its usual and to see how Lost holds up.
Off topic, and I apologize, but I was wondering if Kings did as bad or worse the second week? I already fear I will be finishing this lone season when it comes out on DVD...
so say we all!
American what? I'll watch that drivel if - and only if - they get Lafleur to sing. :)
Hey! Shannon reference! Making me wanna watch the season one DVDs again, Alan. Bravo for choosing Lost over American Idol, though.
Hatfield: it did worse.
Did you even need to post this? Obviously you are choosing Lost! Great choice.
By the way, how many Lost episodes do we have left this season?
Tonight is the 10th episode of the 17-episode season (counting the split finale as 2 separate episodes).
Hell, i don't even watch Lost but judging looking at the comments every week...you HAVE to do Lost. it crushes everything else currently on the blog besides Battlestar.
yes! I agree. I can't go to bed until I read your Lost review.
Argh...thanks, Chris
I would be lost without my Lost review...it's the semi-highlight of my week...
I choose American Idol only because I can watch re-runs of Lost any time. They always repeat the same episode the next week. American Idol is live and never re-broadcast.
As a TV critic, yeah, obviously you should do Lost if the choice is only one of the two shows.
However as a viewer, it's pretty simple (and even preferable) to record both and time shift them later into the night. Both shows are so jam packed with commercials they are almost unwatchable in real time.
I don't watch Lost either, but the decision is pretty much a no-brainer. I'll be watching television all evening anyway.
I hope it's not against your rules to post a link to another website -I thought you might like to know that you can see and hear the Idol performances at www.rickey.org. The audio files from tonight's show are up already and the videos should follow. I go there so I can watch the performances without having to sit through all the filler.
your made the right choice... a million times over, you made the right choice.
I'm sorry. American... what?
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