I don't have much to add to yesterday's "My Boys" column, other than one bit of praise and one complaint.
First, the praise: they got the hell out of that unfunny wedding set-up as fast as they could and quickly jumped back into the things that make "My Boys" so much fun, like mustaches, and PJ's ignorance of girly things (the Keira Knightley discussion with Stef), and Andy wandering in and out of scenes making comments about everyone else. (Also, if you haven't watched Jim Gaffigan's "King Baby" special on Comedy Central this week, you really must. Genius.) And even PJ finally getting together with Bobby at the end felt like a part of the show, since they've been circling each other since the pilot, and since putting her in an ongoing relationship with one of the boys has a lot of comic potential (some of which is realized in the next few episodes).
Now, the complaint: how do you spend most of an episode on the boys growing mustaches in a contest and not tell us who won? It's an outrage! An outrage!
What did everyone else think?
That was probably the funniest episode they have ever done. Even Brando, who is usally the "sensative one" was pretty good, especially his realization that he had agreed with Mike about something.
I like that they have gotten MIke out of the utterly reprehensible human being mode they had him in last season, too.
I kind of wish the show wasn't focused on PJ. I realize she is what makes the show/group unique, and it really is an ensamble cast, but she is easily the one who adds the least to the show and gets the most screentime. And that voice over needs to go. It adds nothing.
I think the reason that a mustache winner was not declared because as Andy says - no one wins.
I'm also okay with Bobby and PJ hooking up at this point, because it's been built up. Maybe they can take a hint from the Pam/Jim relationship though and just integrate it in the group, after the reveal happens anyway.
Love King Baby (though Beyond the Pale is still better). I thought this episode was pretty good at getting back to normalcy, but after two seasons I'm still waiting for it to really take off and find it's identity. They tried the PJ-as-tom-boy in the beginning and that didn't work. Now, she just seems like every other twenty/thirty-something trying out relationships. Nothing wrong with that it's just that (as you mention in your review) the relationship stuff tends to be the least interesting stuff.
It was like welcoming back an old friend, and an instant improvement from last season. Glad to have it back.
It was like welcoming back an old friend, and an instant improvement from last season. Glad to have it back.
Spot on. I was smiling the whole way through. It was like last season was Pam Ewing's bad dream, and now it's over. Love that Bobby and PJ are finally ON! Oh, and I also loved Stef's confession once PJ walked away.
Really funny episode. I especially enjoyed the mustache-inspired nicknames -- D'Artagnan, American Chopper, and Amber Alert. And Brando's mustache twirling.
Anday was wrong -- someone wins with a mustache-growing contest -- the viewers!
I am so glad this show is back. Unlike the last couple of eps that dragged along, this one flew by. And that's including the few times I had to run it back to hear a punchline again (Amber Alert) just because.
And thank goodness Mike's back to being Mike instead of the creepy dude he was last season. Which is a weird statement, I know, when you consider everything he said in this episode, but you guys understand.
They didn't tell us who won because PJ is to declare the winner "tomorrow" and due to the end reveal, we never got to tomorrow. Next episode hopefully more mustaches and a winner!
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