When I'm really tired, the funny bone is the first thing to go. By the time I got around to
"Entourage" and
"Flight of the Conchords" late, late last night, I was so exhausted I doubt I would have laughed at almost anything. Fortunately, HBO had shown the entire "Business Time" clip from "Conchords" during their press tour day, so I remembered that being funny ("Two, two, two minutes"), but beyond that I don't feel qualified to comment on the quality of either show. So I leave it to you fine folks. Take it away.
(Will attempt to watch "John From Cincinnati" under more optimal conditions later today or tomorrow; save your thoughts on that one until I post.)
Conchords was once again hilarious and the song you saw was one of the many highlights. Catch up with it when you get a chance.
"Entourage" was meh. E's tough guy act is laughable at best, and he really just seems like a whiny brat with a Napolean complex. The whole Ari and Lloyd thing was kinda silly, and the whole thing reminded me of Alan's comments on how everything always just 'works out' as easy as pie in the Entourage world.
Billy's "Suits suck" shirt did get a laugh out of me, though, I gotta say.
Conchords was hilarious, although this is the first time I agree with the "the original is better" camp - I thought this version of "Business Time" paled in comparison to other versions I've heard, and I usually hate when people say that. Something about the cadence seemed really off though.
The episode as a whole was still great.
Since I've had no experience with the Conchords until this series, I can never compare the other versions of their songs. I wonder if this is a help for most viewers.
I think these last two episodes of Conchords have been their best yet!
Conchords was great as usual. My favorite parts were Murray telling Jemaine his $50 star blew up four million years ago and Bret's painting for Sally. As for the songs "Business Time" was hilarious, but "Song for Sally" fell flat. Hopefully they'll be able to come up with better original songs.
Also, Conchords fans should check out Mel's Blog if they haven't already.
And Alan, is that you on the right?
Sadly, that is me. A friend described me as looking like one of the peripheral figures in the Jack Ruby-Oswald photo.
I think the reason those who've heard the old songs before prefer the old one is because they didn't have visuals. "Business Time" the song was as good as I remember it, but the visuals on the screen, no matter how good, weren't as good as the ones in my mind. It's like the Alfred Hitchcock theory of comedy.
The second song was pretty good. The only weakness is that when they do different styles of song, the songs aren't fully that style, just close.
But I am loving this show.
I thought it was the weakest FOTC yet. Business Time was indeed funny, but Song For Sally was their first dud. And they still haven't found a new place for the characters or the story to go. Yet even when it's comparatively weak, it's still better and funnier than Entourage.
I'm very sick of the presence of Billy Walsh in Entourage. Every episode it's just variations on the idea that he's a crazy artist who has it out for E with no good reason other than Billy sees E as a "suit." There's no forward momentum with that storyline that I can find.
After the craziness that was this week's JFC, FOTC was a great tonic. I want to hug this damn show so much!
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