(Also, it took five questions before someone brought up "Psych," and the producer of course insisted they're two completely different shows.)
UPDATE: A couple of other critics reminded me that we also got Smart Tim Daly yesterday. That's three, and that's a trend. Will try to upload a photo of that when Blogger stops acting buggy.
For some reason, I can't get the new picture to post, but if you want to see Smart Tim, go to the NJ.com version of this post.
Is it wrong to say that I actually kinda liked The Mentalist? I haven't ever watched Psych, so maybe that's it, but despite the plot holes, I was entertained. And Simon Baker is kinda easy on the eyes. Will that be enough for me to watch it every week? perhaps, but I do know that if they throw in a vampire, there will be a dedicated fan base to keep it on the air.
With those glasses, Baker looks like he stepped out of some Gerry Anderson Supermarionation show....
I've seen this guy who looks a lot like Baker that they call "The Mentalist." But they can't be the same person. Simon Baker wears glasses.
Alan - Do you have any information on the Dirty Sexy Money or Private Practice TCA sessions? I didn't see a post on those.
HRG from Heroes made it a thing.
Still curious about "The Ex-List". Was she sufficiently quippy?
Actually, I think Rivers Cuomo from Weezer is the one who originally made it a thing. If everyone started wearing horn-rimmed glasses, then we could attribute it to Noah Bennett. But thick, black, plastic frames are nothing new; I've been wearing mine for five years.
Aha... except that I have been confused as to what horn-rimmed glasses actually are. Noah Bennett actually wears browline glasses, not horn-rims. I wear horn-rims and I never even knew it. But, anyway, my comment about Rivers Cuomo still stands.
So did they actually explain how The Mentalist is different? Because other than the everyone-knows aspect, the show descriptions seem identical.
My understanding is that the Mentalist takes the premise oh so seriously, while Psych plays everything for a joke. I also don't know that the Mentalist has either the family stuff that goes on on Psych or the buddy cop stuff, either on the Sean/Gus side or the Lasseter/O'Hara side.
(And more than anything else, that photo of Baker reminds me of David Tennant.)
I think Simon Baker is just plain old blind as he's been wearing those for years. Everytimes he comes home to Oz, there they are.
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