If I weren't on vacation this week, I'd have written reviews of one or both of
"Dark Blue" (TNT's cliche-ridden undercover cop drama with Dylan McDermott doing his usual Extremely Loud Or Incredibly Close, But Nothing In Between schtick) and
"Michael and Michael Have Issues" (uneven but promising Comedy Central series featuring 2/11 of The State or 2/3 of Stella, depending on your point of view). But I'm on vacation, so I didn't.
Anybody watch? If so, what'd you think?
What channel is Michael & Michael on?
Comedy central
Aw, that's too bad about Dark Blue. I was looking forward to that one.
"Michael & Michael Have Issues" was great. The humor was a lot drier than I expected (based on their past stuff), but it still contained some Stella-style absurdity (the "well" bit at the beginning, for example) that I think meshed together nicely with the smart, underplayed stuff. Also, hallelujah for a show-about-a-sketch show not being afraid to show us some actual sketches! And the topper: the sketches were all home-runs! I almost half-expected them to go with intentionally unfunny sketches as an in-joke, but it was 1000x more satisfying to see three hilarious "real" sketches.
A little uneven (particularly in the middle third) like you said, but heck, it WAS a pilot. I have high hopes going forward for this one.
In a fit of boredom, or masochism, I sat through Dark Blue in its entirety. Mo Ryan's review made it sound boring, but I was truly unprepared for just how bad the show is. Bad writing, lighting straight out of the Bruckheimer/CBS procedural lineup, and a terribly flat cast. This makes TNT's previous attempt at a show about badass cops - Wanted - look like high art, and that was another badly written, badly shot show which also managed to waste a talented bunch of actors (Gary Cole, Lee Tergesen, Rashida Jones).
I gave Dark Blue about ten minutes, then turned it off. Dark, depressing, kind of a shock to the system after having just enjoyed Leverage.
I like Alan's description of McDermott's "usual Extremely Loud Or Incredibly Close, But Nothing In Between schtick." Reminds me of when a friend pointed out that Toby on the West Wing could be counted on once an episode to start of speaking very softly and then gradually speak faster and lounder UNTIL HE WAS SHOUTING. I always enjoy that scene.
Maybe the two Michaels will actually try to make this show funny, unlike Stella, which was absurdist but not funny.
I really like Michael Ian Black as a comedian in general, and I've been following him for years. I think the problem is that the Michael and Michael comedy is so ridiculous-I don't know if it will have an audience. I liked it.
I liked Michael and Michael. Not sure how many there have been but I saw the one with the intern. A lot of absurd situations that spiraled out of control. I'm in for a few more episodes.
My computer was out of action so I couldn't comment when you first posted this.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed Michael and Michael - I laughed a lot. I hope it lives up to the early promise it has shown and just continues to get better and better.
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