Tuesday, February 09, 2010

There is a new blog logo. Discuss.

The "Lost" logo stayed up a little more than a week, and now it's another foursome's turn.

As always, you can find links to, and explanations for, all the previous logos in this post.

Have at it.


Shan said...

Secondary characters that, for better or worse, wound up "taking over" a show.

Joe Reid said...

Sitcom characters who would get applause upon their entrance?

Anonymous said...

minor characters who became popular and eventually carried the show?

Stef said...

breakout sitcom characters?

LoopyChew said...

I was going to say "breakout characters," but I've been beaten to the punch!

TheWeave said...

Characters with catchphrases. "Did I do that?" "HEEEEYYYYY!" "Those aren't my real parents." "DYNOMITE!"

Amy Casey said...

Sitcom characters who were the comical outcasts of the core group of characters?

andcap said...

I'm with Shan and Anonymous #1 -- secondary sitcom characters that wound up eclipsing the "stars" of the show and becoming the focus of their shows.

Robin said...

Tough one...either:

1. Minor characters that took over the show.

2. People in sitcoms with two word titles...

Unknown said...

If it is the ascending secondary character idea, I vote Barney Stinson as an honorary fifth photo up top.

Anonymous said...

Yep it's breakout characters of the show. (Maybe even characters that eventually overran the show)

dez said...

Secondary characters that overran the show with their catchphrases :-)

Joemo said...

Catchphrase characters

KC said...

So, there's Fonzie, Urkel, and JJ Walker, but whose the 4th person up there?

The Amazing Acting Eye said...

If not for Michael J. Fox's health issues, I would guess "people who are now signing autographs at hot rod shows and/or doing regional dinner theater"

Jenn said...

I have to disagree with Michael J. Fox still being famous because of his health issues. If he DIDN'T have health issues, I think he'd be working even more. His guest spots on tv shows are always great.

Otto Man said...

Alex Keaton was a secondary character? Eh.

Alan Sepinwall said...

Alex Keaton was a secondary character? Eh.

Originally, yes. Show was built around two aging hippies grappling with becoming a suburban mom and dad and part of the mainstream culture they were rebelling against all those years. Alex was just one of three wacky kids, but Fox was so good, and the character so popular, that he quickly moved to center stage.

Riddler said...

At one point or another they had an alter ego: Erkel (nerd) became cool, Fonzie dressed like a nerd to help out his buddies. . . ugh, it runs out there. . .

jenmoon said...


That is all. I'm surprised someone else didn't post this yet!

Anonymous said...

An argument could also be made for "characters who almost always appeared wearing trademark clothing/accessories," but only if one considers the neckties on high schooler Alex P. Keaton a fashion trademark.

Karen said...

I agree with TheWeave: characters with catchphrases. But characters with catchphrases who completely took over the show also works.

Of course, in the case of Alex P Keaton, I have no problem with that. I LOVE Alex P Keaton.

Otto Man said...

Thanks for the reply, Alan. I'd remembered him as the focal point, but that's probably just hindsight.

Anonymous said...

Placeholder for where Sheldon and Barney will show up this time next year?

Alan Sepinwall said...

Sheldon was co-lead on BBT from the start, so he doesn't fit, and I think the HIMYM writers have been very careful to avoid Urekl-ization when it comes to Barney. We probably get more Barney-centric episodes than we did at the beginning, but he hasn't become the main character the way the four guys in the logo did.

Unknown said...

Meredith Baxter was not at all happy about the evolution of Fox's character as the main one. I believe it caused a real rift between the actors for time.

floretbroccoli said...

I feel that every one of these blog-logo threads needs to have one comment saying "who are four people who have never been in my kitchen?"

Alan Sepinwall said...

Someone comes in to make that joke every week, seemingly having missed the blog logo that actually answered that question.

floretbroccoli said...

"Seemingly," perhaps. I think of it more as a tribute to that logo.

Anonymous said...

Characters that are different/odd man out from the rest of the main cast? Urkel being all nerdy and creepy, Alex Keaton being a Republican amongst Democrats, etc...

I had no idea that Alex Keaton started off as a minor character - I always thought of him as the co-male lead (after the dad).

And agreed, Karen. I love Alex Keaton too! It's nice to see him pop up in Alan's blog logo.

Matt S. said...

i'd like to think of it as an homage de cliff claven however wrong i may be.

Cliff deserves an homage damnit!