Well, what do you know? That was almost an entire episode of "Entourage" that I found entertaining.
(The one exception: the Ari subplot, which started off promisingly with Ari struggling to follow his daughter's advice to be nice to Beverly D'Angelo, only to have him go back to spewing venom and bile as soon as things went wrong. There are times when I find Ari's hateful rants funny, but this one seemed too easy, and the sort of thing that should have backfired on him.)
But I found the Vince storyline entertaining for the first time in a long time. We've seen very little of Vince at work over the years, and usually it's involved the cartoonish and played-out Billy Walsh. Stellan Skarsgard's Werner seems like a much more plausible kind of dictator, and I liked seeing him completely (and, I think, intentionally) mess with Vince's head about his performance. Five seasons in, I find this stuff a lot more interesting than the deal-making or which hot girl Vince is going to sleep with next. I actually laughed at Vince walking around the cabin with the can on his head, and I can't remember ever finding him intentionally funny in the past.
And Seth Green's hatred of Eric, which E had to indulge this time because another client was involved, remains one of the show's better running gags. I like the idea of Green as an evil version of both E and Vince, and he's of course funnier than both Adrian Grenier and Kevin Connolly combined.
What did everybody else think?
I look forward to next season, when we find out that Ari has a brother high up in Washington DC circles.
Good episode. The one thing that bothered me was Charlie having sex on the phone in the beginning. I'm not a prude, but that was just so completely unnecessary. It's like the writers realized they hadn't shown boobs in a while and had to force them in to meet some sort of quota.
Dang, if I had known Seth Green was going to be on, I would have watched. I guess I'll try to find a rerun.
yeah, charlie having sex with the girl while on the phone seemed out of character. he had been portrayed as more of a mild mannered guy up until that point and now here he is having sex and talking on the phone at the same time.
the scene in the clothing store was gold, though. i would have done the same thing!
the scene in the clothing store was gold, though. i would have done the same thing!
And that no doubt inspired him to sucker punch Seth Green. Not only was Seth threatening his acting career, but Charlie had just burned his bridges at his day job.
Seth Green taunting Eric:
What up, E?
Very funny.
I really enjoyed the Vince and E sub-plots. Seth Green was hilarious (he was also a very funny guest last week on AOTS). I really only like Ari when he is interacting with the rest of the boys, not on his own like in the current sub-plot.
Was Sloan always that thin?
I missed the credits, but I could swear that the woman in the bedroom with Charlie was Jenaveve Jolie...
I actually was getting angry watching Seth Green be such a little sh--, and didn't find it remotely funny. I found Seth offensively annoying and wanted his scenmes to stop. And I am sorry, is the former 'Oz' such a major star that the TV series would only work with him as star? Does anyone remember "Greg the Bunny"? Thought so.
I cringed watching Lumbergh lose it in the meeting with Barbara and hypervenilating. Great and eralistic performance by Gary Cole and Ari's loyalty to him is what led to Ari threatening to destroy the firm by splitting it in half, even if it meant embarrassing Barbara. Ari was backed into a corner and when you back him into a corner, he comes out swinging - good for him.
The Vince stuff is interesting but I find it depressing. I am enjoying how much Vince has 'grown up' this season and to finally see him make it into a good movie but have all his lines cut, is very frustrating.
Now that he mentions it, George Clooney does tilt his head quite a bit.
Emmanuelle Chiuqri is super hot!
Oh,absolutely! George Clooney is notorious for that and he DOES look like a puppy when he does it. Is Gary Cole really sticking around for a while?
What I found funny is that Green comes off as a really nice guy off camera and it seems to be accepted that Murphy is a real tool.
So to see them play role reversal gave me a chuckle.
Ari rant wasn't funny this week..get outta here he had some of his funniest lines "Rug munchin instead of luncheon" had me laughing my ass off, and thats not even the best just the only one I can remember! Probably the best episode this season since The All Out Fallout, last week's was probably the weakest so good to see that that was just a hiccup
I thought the Ari rant was really hateful towards women. I've had female friends complain that the show in general is that way, and I've always defended it, but that rant was really filled with vile.
I wonder what woman broke Doug Ellin's heart so badly?
What i want to know though is who was the girl riding Charlie... although odd fo the scene to be played like that, i would love to know more about her...
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