Thursday's a busy night of TV, and I don't have a ton to say about the latest
"Fringe." Glad to have a spotlight on Broyles (and while I like Lance Reddick, his smile is
terrifying), and the shadow monster looked pretty cool, but the self-contained episodes still lack the snap that comes from the episodes that tie more closely into the ongoing storylines.
What did everybody else think?
It was pretty good right until the end. Alien shadow from space that feeds off of body radiation. But I though the victim needed to have high levels of radiation, hence the first guy turning into ash because he flew close to the sun and the other victims who had recieved radiation therapy. So how did the brother get turned into ash if his levels were normal?
That must be the darkest hospital in history!!! i'm surprised at how work is actually done
I saw the Observer, I saw the Observer!
Other than that, nah, not much to say about the episode. Except to agree, CoolSid, the Husband and I were rolling our eyes about the darkness in the hospital.
Hey, I'm not watching this show and don't plan to ever again unless Darin Morgan finally gets his butt in gear and writes something typically brilliant. So could you do me (and people like me, God help them) a favor and start the write-up for any such episode with an all-caps DARIN MORGAN WROTE THIS! heads-up so I could go and Hulu that shit? Thanks.
Good acting and such but it was a rip-off from the Xfiles again. Astronaut comes back from space with a strange being inside of him other episodes about weird creatures sucking the life out of everybody. It's a totally reincarnation of the X-files, IMO.
I saw the Observer, I saw the Observer!
Dammit, I missed him again! Where was he?
I thought this ep was suitably creepy (and even scary in the beginning), but yeah, I was also thinking "X-Files" throughout. At least we had Walter playing with Tinker Toys and talking about purple blotters. That was worth the whole ep.
Captcha: swooff = when you're about to swoop, but run into a hard obstacle instead.
It was probably unintentional, but the fun part for me was being transported back to the night I watched the first episode of the original Outer Limits, "The Galaxy Being."
Liked the way that the fly foreshadowed the business about them being "joined at the molecular level" (the Cronenberg shout-outs are almost a drinking game now).
Seems to me that the previous season's episodes did a better job of slowly building upon one another to create a larger arc. These recent shows feel strangely adrift. I despair for FRINGE's future if the storyline (and the ratings) don't get back on track soon.
I'm kind of annoyed that my DVR didn't recognize the new episode and record it. BOO!
dez, I went to Fox's Fringe website a while back and discovered they have videos pointing out where the Observer has shown up in various episodes, so I watched a few and figured out the sorts of scenes he's in - not surprisingly, crowds are typical, and he tends to walk by the principals as they're talking. In this episode, Broyles was talking to someone, and right now I've totally forgotten who, and the Observer walked by to the right of the screen. (It's a bit distracting now, though, looking for him - I tend to miss bits of dialogue and plot...)
By the way, love the post title, Alan. Meant to say earlier.
I was very happy to see an episode showing Broyles at work and getting some background on him, which was very touching. It's amazing how much more you can appreciate a character once you know something about them -- same with people in life too.
LOL Coolsid, that's exactly what I thought about the dark hospital.
Right about the astronaut Files ep Scully, and it was also like the ep where the amputee in the VA hospital made his spirit get up and kill people.
I also wondered that about the brother getting killed Rosseau. Was there some point where he got radiated and we missed it? Maybe from all the electronics/EMFs? Idunno.
Great post and avi Count! :-D
Yeah, looking for Observer is like looking for Hitchcock in one of his movies or TV shows. That's why Hitch usually got it out of the way in the first 10 minutes or so.
Couldn't the shadow monster (man I miss Lost) have just decided to kill the brother because he was annoyed that the brother kept trying to contain him?
Either that of the damned cell phone was pumping all that radiation into his brain!
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