As I've seen tonight's episodes of
"Entourage" and
"True Blood" but don't really care enough to say anything about them ("Entourage" didn't really start pleasing me until episode three), time for another post where you can just fire away with your own thoughts.
During the first season of Entourage I couldn't stand Turtle. In the second season he started to grow on me and I ended up really liking him. But now I feel like he's reverted to the season 1 version. Blech. And the Drama storyline is awfufl. Not only do I not care about his relationship with Jacqueline, but it's not even remotely funny. At least the show has finally recognized how little Vince seems to care about his career and how unappealing it is (at least in the show.)
I also completely didn't recognize Lukas Haas and Giovanni Ribisi until I saw their names in the credits. But I'm already dreading the over-the-top caricatures they look like they're going to become.
I was actually impressed by Entourage. The show was funny and the show biz stuff was interesting. I agree with the above post that Turtle' character has fallen off, ever since that episode where Vince got him those expensive sneakers I have not liked him. The show is much sharper than it was in the last 2 seasons and Im actually lookin forward for the rest of the season.
True Blood was solid. Not a lot to discuss, but so far so good. I just hope that the show is not in trouble because of the low ratings.
I liked this ep of True Blood much better than the first. Have to agree with the others in last week's thread who said there's no chemistry between Paquin and the guy playing Vampire Bill, though.
I do dislike the pattern so far of ending on a cliffhanger that is pretty much resolved in the previews, though. Guess I will have to give up watching them (I hate spoilers, but I like previews--go figure).
This was a great episode, I thought the season premiere was good but a little limp but this felt like the s2 days. If I'm a big fan and loved this ep and you're not but say that ep 3 is the best so far then I can't wait for next weeks
Delurking for the first time here to say I LOVED True Blood. Might be girl thing, who knows/who cares, but my heart was stirred by the pure romance in this episode. Full disclosure - I love vampires and love southern gothic. I was piqued by the pilot and this one I'm about to watch again to re-experience the pleasure of it. The previews have me scared but anticipating.
Entourage...eh, Turtle as always grosses me out, but thrilled to see Ari doing it like he does and I still have a weakness for Drama.
I officially stopped caring about True Blood about twenty minutes in, then flipped to AMC to watch the rerun of Mad Men ten minutes later. True Blood was just way too uninteresting and slow moving to maintain any interest, and the accents just suck too much. If I read its getting better, I'll catch up later. Entourage was okay, at least when Ari was on, and I loved his brutal honesty with Vince.
At least I have another hour free on Sunday nights.
Couldn't agree more about Drama's storyline. Completely unfunny in every way.
That said, I'm very interested to see where E and Vince's careers go from here. It looks like they both have their heads on straight and hopefully we'll see Vinny prove Ari wrong about his acting skills....b/c I'm 100% with Ari on that one for now.
Really liked True Blood. I study English Lit in college and have been reading a lot about Gothic fiction and I never really cared for it. But last night's episode showed me what all the fuss was about. Found those Sookie/Vampire Bill scenes quite beautiful, not essentially in an elegant sense (with the blood and the teeth and the red eyes) but in some sense i've yet to wrap my head around.
Some mentioning of dispondancy between Paquin and Moyer's performances together but I wonder if its simply the execution of the gothic romance, a feature of which is that both characters are strange but have that strangeness in common. So they're not acting bad but acting ... strange?
Also admired how Ball used the vampires' social minority as a metaphor for religious attitude towards homosexuality with the evil reverend and all. This is definately the show I find most intriguing right now. Kudos
I can't believe True Blood is a HBO show. It's hilariously bad.
I joked with my partner how they went for the "heroine drinking the vamps blood to live" trick in the second episode. Anything they do, Buffy's done better.
If they could ever break out of their stereotypes, I might actually enjoy this. The only reason Sukie has managed is because she's a half IQ point higher than the others.
And I have to say the scenes of her "hearing" other peoples thoughts continue to be aggravating- I can't understand half of them so whatever insight we're supposed to get is lost.
Entourage- Poor Vinny played all summer and is now pissed he's old news. I'll believe he's changed when I see him act differently. The trying to get the unavailable girl was like Medillan all over again.
So they're not acting bad but acting ... strange?
It's not the acting per se, but the chemistry between the actors that renders their romantic scenes emotionless. I don't feel any of the passion the characters are supposed to be feeling for each other; in the best Gothic novels, that passion blazes off the pages. Plus when Vampire Bill gazes at Sookie, he looks like he'd just as soon drain her dry as kiss her. Not very romantic, IMHO.
@emeraldliz--I think we're supposed to get that Sookie has a cacophony of voices raging in her head that she has to work hard to silence, which is why she likes Vampire Bill so much. Also, the other people's thoughts seem to race around quite a bit, which would make them harder to "hear."
I agree with the complaints about Turtle on Entourage. A while back they were really softening and opening up his character. He was starting his own management group of rappers. He was dating that cool girl with the mean (but funny) father. And then it all went away (with no mention of the girl being especially odd.)
Last season was quite bad, as was the season premiere. Last week's was slightly better. Hoping it gets a lot better quick.
I have a soft spot for Entourage. But I agree with some of the stuff that has been said here. What did happen to the girl Turtle was seeing? And the Drama thing was just a bit dull. However, the bit where Ari grabbed the guys phone and threw it on the floor out of nowhere may have been the funniest ever bit of Entourage.
True Blood: So, Sam is the Dog? ?
The modern Werewolf vs. Vampire like the new-ish Stephenie Meyer books?
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