the second of today's columns (and the one that's actually in today's paper), I look ahead to tonight's return of
"Battlestar Galactica," which is pretty awesome. No spoilers of any kind in the column, though I do talk about a lot of past events, starting off with the last episode to air. And as the review mentions, the episode runs about 3 1/2 minutes long, so set your DVRs accordingly.
I'm going to do my best to have a post ready to go as soon as the episode finishes airing on the East Coast, but no promises. Press tour has turned my brain into mush.
Alan, are you the final Cylon?
I said no spoilers, darn it! Now you've ruined the premiere for everyone!
You need to ban Anon.
For those of us suffering without a cable connection- does any one know when and how this episode will be available online? SciFi.com? Hulu?
I'll bet it will be available on Hulu pretty quickly since it's a Universal show.
According to Hulu (http://www.hulu.com/battlestar-galactica):
New episodes of BSG return to Hulu 1/17. The first five episodes will be posted on Hulu the day after their TV broadcast. Subsequent episodes will be posted 8 days after their original broadcast date.
Tonight is the premiere of both Battlestar Galactica and Frida Night Lights (for those of us without DirecTV).
It doesn't quite make up for The Wire no longer airing but it comes pretty darn close. However, I don't know what I'm going to do after this season if FNL joins BSG in the realm of shows on permanent hiatus.
You know what? I never got past the first two seasons of this show and have forgotten most of it. that being said, I know that if i just don't watch every ep soon, it's gonna get spoiled for me. therefore, i think I am just going to watch the whole damn thing starting tonight, just so it won't get spoiled for me. Hope it's worth it.
The NY Times piece by Mike Hale on BSG's return makes me want to frakking throttle something.
"Some of the avenues it went down in the second and third seasons were irritating distractions. The squabbling over the political process and the debates about terrorism may make good fodder for critical essays and term papers, but they don’t make for good drama."
Those are some of the best, most dramatic parts of the show! And he goes on to say that the acting from one of the best ensemble casts on television is "awfully spotty." What the frak, Hale?
Unfortunately I'm away from home for business and staying in a hotel with no Sci Fi channel. I'll have to stay away from the blog until I can watch the episode on Hulu or Sci Fi's website as soon as they go up. Hope I don't have to wait long!
The NY Times piece by Mike Hale on BSG's return makes me want to frakking throttle something.
Makes me wonder what Hale would have made of Shakespeare -- all that "To be" yadda yadda, and political squabbling (aka The War of the Roses) and so on. Really great term paper fodder, but Jeeze Louise can someone take their top off already? :)
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