today's column, I talk about how season two of
"Flight of the Conchords" is still very strong on the comedy front but a bit lacking in the songs, and how going into season three, I really wish
"Big Love" would just focus on Bill's wives and spend a lot less time on Juniper Creek and Bill himself.
I completely agree with you on Big Love. I almost stopped watching during season 2, which mostly focused on the casino and the compound. The parts of the show that focus on the wives, however, keeps me coming back for more. I hope more of this season goes back to them.
I only somewhat agree. I thought the plot points dealing with the children,and their attempts to cope with the lifestyle their parents have chosen, were also quite good.
there are so many women in big love i find fascinating - nikki, barb, margene, sarah, rhonda, wanda, lois, heather - but none of the men interest me at all
(although if albie ever picks up some more rough trade and works out what to do with it i'd be glued to that storyline)
I think that the children's storyline is also good, I totally agree. I do think that their storyline is an off-shoot of the women's, however.
And par3182, I'm with you! Exploring Albie's other side would make a great story! He's definitely hiding his freak flag.
I do refer to Amanda Seyfried in the column, so yeah, I would expand my list of things on the show I like to include the kids, while also agreeing with Crispy's point that their stories are basically an offshoot of the wives'.
I don't think Paxton has enough charisma to play the lead. The few times I've watched Big Love, I try to imagine it with a stronger actor playing Bill. Am totally in agreement that the wives are the most compelling reason to watch.
Due to the Presidential Farewell Address tonight at 8 EST, it appears both Bones and Ugly Betty will not be broadcast tonight. Is that correct?
"I don't think Paxton has enough charisma to play the lead. The few times I've watched Big Love, I try to imagine it with a stronger actor playing Bill."
I completely agree. I think the producers were hoping that it would be a good idea to cast Paxton mainly he comes off as a nice, normal guy and he wouldn't make the show seem weird on first glance. The problem is he doesn't really click on the show with anybody besides Jeanne Tripplehorn and he's not compelling enough to carry the Roman stuff.
Somebody on the boards mentioned how much better the show would be if Jon Hamm was Bill, and it was like a shot of lightning. Although, I imagine about half the shows on television could use him as the main protagonist.
I'd have to agree on Big Love. Juniper Creek is just not all that fascinating, while the relationships between the wives are what keeps me watching. I'm really excited to know what happens with Ana next season. Btw, have you just given up on Grey's Anatomy, or is there just too much to post about? I wouldn't blame you, it's not exactly stellar lately, as you've pointed out.
One thing I did like about last season was how it became an effective critique of patriarchy (in its most obvious form, of course). I think the shift from the beginning of the series, where you could almost believe that suburban polygamy could be safe and sane, to now, where Bill finds himself slipping more and more into the destructive patterns of his forefathers, really interesting. Paxton's relative skill as an actor notwithstanding.
Doh! I commented above (7:25 AM) before reading the column. You do praise Seyfried, who I think is better in "Big Love" than she was in anything else she has done.
Can't wait for Big Love! Sure the wives are great but I enjoy the Juniper Creek story lines as well. Roman Grant can be as intriguing as any character on the show, and I like Bill's mom, Joey's wife, and many of the other wacky compound folks. Bill's business shenanigans got tiresome in season 2 but I remain fascinated by the Juniper Creek stuff.
As for Paxton, he's not my favorite but I think some of you are too hard on him. Its easy to say he's the biggest bore on the show, but acting-wise I think he does pretty well with a tough role. Here's a guy whose religion and lifestyle I think is horribly wrong, yet I totally buy him as a loving father and devoted family man regardless of his other flaws. Plus he has to maintain a chemistry with 3 different actresses (yes, as someone said, he's got the best chemistry with 'Barb' by far, and that is by design). Not every actor could pull this off and make the show work as well as it does.
I actually really enjoy the storylines about the conflict and scheming between Bill and Roman.
Definitely disagree very strongly that Paxton isn't right for the role, I think he's great as Bill. To me, Big Love is the best drama on HBO now that The Wire is over. Definitely better than True Blood, which I don't understand the fascination with in the least.
I like Big Love. I don't love it, but I think for the most part, it is always entertaining, especially with the women of the show.
But, Flight of the Conchords? I am definitely excited to see it come back! From the snippets I've seen of Sugar Lumps in the promos, I'm not too worried that they won't deliver in the music segments, despite some possible minor setbacks in the first few episodes. Can't wait!
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