Okay, the good folks at Give Me My Remote, who were instrumental in the save
"Chuck" campaign, got their hands on the season 2 highlight real and Schwartz/Fedak/Levi sketch that started off the Comic-Con panel. So if you
watch that, and then watch
Jeffster! on YouTube, then watch
the panel itself on Hulu, you'll be able to witness the event in order, in its entirety.
I'm glad this is out there. Fedak's acting debut was too funny to not be seen by the masses.
I wish Hulu worked in Canada. Would really love to watch the panel.
Oh, so awesome! Even after reading all about everything that went on at Comic Con, it still is so much better to actually see it!
Thanks, Alan!
Heh heh. You got called out as a badass. I feel like I have just been complimented as well.
Long(-ish) time reader, first time poster.
Alan, great job on the panel!
Adam T, I am able to watch the panel here.
Can't wait until March 2010 :-)
That was fully awesome! Thanks for posting all the bits together!
The Fedak & Schwartz section was great: "They don't know who you are".
If they get bored with Chuck there's the grain of a half hour comedy based around the behind the scenes work on a struggling show.
Thanks, Veronica, for posting the link for us non-US residents to watch. Much appreciated.
Until I get a chance to watch it, can I just ask a question: Sepinwall, did you destroy them?
Fedak's mini-nervous breakdown involving the storm trooper helmet is hilarious as is Schwartz's matter of fact "that's not helping anything" and "it might be too tight for your head". I love it.
The little "thanks" vids on the chuckmeout site are cute, but some stuff like this would definitely ease the pain of having to wait so long for season three to start. I'd watch the Josh and Chris show.
So could we potentially call you The Destroyer now? That bit was hilarious.
"Just like Christmas" "I wouldn't know." Really funny stuff from Schwartz and Fedak.
Like I alluded to in my previous post on the earlier Chuck entry, I've been reading a bunch of stuff around the web kinda hating on those guys for the spoilerishy stuff they revealed to Mo Ryan. I say WHAT? Schwartz and Fedak and Company have the show we love so much in a very good place. Plus now we know what a brilliant comedy duo they make!
Oh man, that opening sketch was pure freakin' genius. I may have to put that on a continuous loop.
Thanks for posting the full SDCC/Chuck experience, Alan!
And, a question (spurred by the sight of all those Subway bags on Schwartz's desk): does anyone know what sort of actual profit bump Subway experienced on Chuck finale night? Are there any hard numbers?
Sepinwall, did you destroy them?
Given the rabid love in the room for that panel, if I'd tried to destroy them, I think the fans would have destroyed me.
(And I saw this happen in another panel, where the moderator for the "Iron Man 2" panel actually got booed by the crowd, and later heckled by Robert Downey Jr.)
No doubt they're clever guys. Alot of the statement/spoilers have been about whipping up some buzz, but secondly managing the expectations of the slightly more relationship orientated members of the Chuck fanbase.
I think the potential is there for it to be a good season, with an increase in viewing numbers. But if these 13 epsiodes of Chuck are the last we see then I hope it goes out on a high.
It's all good Alan, you did a great job with the panel and of all the panels I went to down there, the Chuck panel was the most enjoyable. I would think Kevin Smith's Q&A session would be a close second though, that guy just flat out makes me laugh.
(And I saw this happen in another panel, where the moderator for the "Iron Man 2" panel actually got booed by the crowd, and later heckled by Robert Downey Jr.)
What happened and what did RDJ say to him?
Chuck's panel is up on NBC.com, this does work for Canadian users.
Thanks for putting this all together. Now I can show people what I experienced at that panel too! BTW, Alan you were one of the BEST moderators that I saw at Comic-Con. Thank you for a great job.
I'm just surprised by many of the other moderators that mishandled things during the panel. It just mad for a bad panel even though the group would be exciting.
streaming video hates me. Hulu had a strange echo till I used the pop out (you would think it would be the other way around) so all I ended up watching was the panel. but thanks for the links!
and if they do get action figures - I want them to have one of Orion: his hair is so much nicer than my Captain Archer.
Too Funny.
Alan, were you privy to this before the panel?
I love that shout out to Alan. Sepinwall will destroy us! Hilarious!
For those who had forgotten, the Carina person they mention at the end is from Season 1 Episode 4 "Chuck Versus the Wookiee". Carina is played by Mini Anden.
Too bad Yvonne Strahovski kept to herself pretty much the entire panel (she didn't even seem to laugh when Zachary Levi cracked jokes). I was looking forward to hearing her Aussie accent!
I was a little sad that Sarah and Yvonne barely spoke, and basically no one asked either of them anything. Yvonne, especially. It was almost a little sexist.
For those who had forgotten, the Carina person they mention at the end is from Season 1 Episode 4 "Chuck Versus the Wookiee". Carina is played by Mini Anden.
Thanks for that. I was trying to remember who they were talking about. I'll have to rewatch the episode.
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