As I suspected, both the availability of outlets and Internet connectivity is spotty at best, so whatever blogging gets done will happen on an irregular basis. Based on the experience with the "Dexter" line, and what Dan has been telling me about the lines in general this year, I suspect my plan each day is going to be to park in a given room all day (most of the TV panels tend to be in the same place), so in theory I can try to blog during the panels I don't care about. (I'm hopefully going to spend a lot of Saturday in the famously huge Hall H, where the things I'm really looking forward to -- "Lost," Mike Judge's "Extract," "Iron Man 2," Kevin Smith -- will be sandwiched around a bunch of horror/sci-fi movies I don't care about, so maybe I'll do a lot of catching up then.)
I obviously won't be able to blog, or even tweet about, the "Chuck" panel as it's going on on Saturday (from 10-11 a.m. local time), but Fienberg has promised to liveblog it on his blog the same way he did today for the "Twilight" press conference.
And in the meantime, the "Chuck" guys wanted me to give you guys the first look at the special poster they had made for Comic-Con. (Click on it to see the full-sized version.) I think it looks suitably awesome, and I'm especially happy that they drew Jeff holding his keytar.
Jean Lithgow? Are you trying to tell us something about John, who did play a transgendered character in The World According to Garp? :)
I'm trying to tell you that I'm still on East Coast time and should be asleep by now, thankyewverymuch.
Hall H is lousy for wi-fi, according to those who have tweeted about it: http://twitter.com/#search?q=hall%20h%20wifi
Thanks, Michael. I can tether my phone to my laptop as an alternate solution, though that was equally spotty in Ballroom 20.
I am looking forward to the Chuck panel. I'll have to get there early for it for sure, plan on taking some pictures as well. As for the lines, I saw that Dexter line and it made me cringe.
Chuck poster. I want one. Will we be able to purchase these or are they given as swag?
Thanks Alan. I hope I get a chance to meet you to at least say Hi and thanks for the great reads all year.
I was going to say that the only two things wrong with that poster are that Casey and the keytar aren't big enough. Very nice.
God bless you, Mr. Sepinwall, for the Joe Schmo Show reference in your tweet. I was thouroughly convinced that my old roommate and I were the only two people to actually watch it.
Enjoy So Cal.
Can't wait to read about the Chuck panel. I live in SD but was unable to get Comic-Con tickets.
Regarding your tweet asking for radio stations, I highly recommend 102.1 "Rock without Rules" - they play a lot of live and acoustic cuts (especially in the morning on weekends).
Hopefully you will be granted special access to the Lost panel right after your panel -- we haven't gotten into Hall H yet. (Well, we've been going over a little before a given panel, seeing how goddamn long the line is every single time, and then bailing for better odds at smaller panels. No Gilliam for me, alas.)
I am going to be camped out in the Futurama/Simpsons panels on Saturday (hopefully) and can't wait to hear their take on the reported Futurama voice recasting, given that half the voice talent are turning up for the panel. Should be fun.
I'm trying to tell you that I'm still on East Coast time and should be asleep by now, thankyewverymuch
Heh... good night sweet prince. :)
love chuck, but can't say i love the poster, chuck and sarah look a little off, everyone else looks good though.
Hey, Michaela, if I can get into the Chuck panel, I will not be leaving until after the Futurama/Simpsons, so I will hopefully see you there!
I so wish that I was there. Can't wait to hear all about the "Chuck" panel which I assume will be up via a zillion crappy vids on youtube about four minutes after the panel ends. {g}
That poster should really be hanging on my wall right now.
How are you going to see the lost panel when it starts at 11:00am and the chuck panel is from 10:00pm to 11:00am?
Kev, I have magical powers. I hope they work tomorrow.
Awesome poster. So cheesytastic as to be kinda hip.
You know Ausiello is claiming a scoop on this, when you posted it literally 12 HOURS earlier.
Also? This post contains no spoilers! Have a blast tomorrow! Good luck.
This poster very closely resembles an old Dukes of Hazzard poster I had when I was a kid. That's cool.
That poster is awesome!
I was hoping they were giving that poster away at the panel. Alas, 'twas not to be :(
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