That said, there will be several short, pre-written posts going live at various points while I'm gone. I've seen this week's "Nurse Jackie," "Warehouse 13" and "Leverage" (the season premiere is on Wednesday night at 9), and there will be some kind of post about each -- even if it's something as brief as "Hey, what did you think of it?" In addition, tomorrow's paper has a column on the release of "Mad Men" season two on DVD, and that'll be linked to here, and I've also set up a post to go up Thursday morning so anyone who wants to can discuss the Emmy nominations.
Behave while I'm gone, y'all. (And if you need help, just go read the commenting rules.) I'll be back next week, but that'll be a short (and likely light-posting week), as I'm heading out to California for Comic-Con and the TV critics press tour, and those two events will be dominating most of my writing time for the two-plus weeks I'll be there. But we'll cross that bridge when the Family Truckster comes to it.
One of my fav lines! Loved it when they recalled it in Chuck in vs. Best Friend car chase. It pops in my mind all the time.
Have a great vacation. It'll be disappointing to have so few updates over the next week or two, but you absolutely deserve a good break. Have fun, and I'll look forward to regular posting starting again soon.
Have a good rest!
Roll 'em up!
Sorry folks, blog's closed. The moose out front shoulda told ya.
Well, somebody better explain, or there'll, uh... there'll be a lot of explaining to do.
Have fun on vacation, Alan. If you notice new posts on Mad Men Season 2 episode blogs, they're probably from me since I'm buying Season 2 tomorrow.
Eric for the win.
Have a great vacation
Have a great time!
Lookin' forward to your moderating the Chuck panel, Alan. 1st panel Saturday morning. Whoo!
Aww, each time I saw an ad for Dark Blue during a NASCAR race it made me look forward to your inevitable negative review of the show. Now you are telling me there isn't one?
Seriously, enjoy the vacation, as much as you work on this thing you probably need it.
I bow to Eric's superior line co-opting, and humbly submit that I hope a dead person doesn't breathe on you, Alan. Enjoy your trip!
Not that I want to co-opt Alan's blog traffic, but Ryan, feel free to check out the negative review of Dark Blue I'll be posting some time Tuesday.
Bummer for us, awesome for you.
I wanted to hear your thoughts on Michael and Michael when it aired but I suppose it'd be rude to begrudge you a vacation when I've used your blog so many times as a vacation from whatever I was supposed to be doing on the computer.
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