While the
"American Idol" producers accomplished their goal of weeding out the Sanjayas, this year's "best top 24 ever" has so far been mostly competent without being inspiring. That said, there were a few very good performances tonight, notably the precocious David Archuleta on "Imagine" and David Hernandez finding a way to tackle "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" in 90 seconds and not seem like a fool.
While I intend to do singer-by-singer breakdowns once the finals begin, there are too many people at this point I just don't care about to bother -- especially since Fienberg and I are so in sync with our opinions on these guys that I can just
send you over to his recap and suggest you attach a "me, too" to most of what he says.
Feel free to comment here if you like.
Am I the only one who thought David A. did a little *too* much with a simple song like "Imagine"? His singing is amazing, and I did think he was the best of the night...but I think a little bit of the melody got lost there.
David H. was my other fave. He rocked it. It felt honest, real, and not like a 'performance.'
Not at all Kristin. Archuleta's "Imagine" was pretty much everything I abhor about this show in 90 convenient, unbearable seconds. I'd rather have a meat thermometer in my ear than that crap. The subsequent praise was embarrassing.
I'm still warm on Castro, who underplays things well - but obvs doesn't belong on a show that would praise something as sucktastic as tonight's closer. And I thought Chikezie was a blast. The rest were competent and dull.
On the other hand, this was probably the only way a song as overused as Imagine wouldn't put me to sleep.
Of course nobody forced him to pick this particular song, but he is 17, so he probably adores it.
Anyway, the good thing is that he's peaking too early. Unlike Michael Johns who is just coasting for the moment and he probably could peak just when the time is right.
Of course nobody forced him to pick this particular song,
Actually, what some of last week's bootees said was that they were given a list of 50 songs from the '60s and asked to pick their top 3, and that many of them had (given their age) ever heard of most of them before.
David might know "Imagine," or he might have just picked it because he's vaguely heard of John Lennon before. (Though didn't Blake struggle with it last season?)
Unlike Michael Johns who is just coasting for the moment and he probably could peak just when the time is right.
God, I hope you're right. In our office pool, I got randomly assigned Michael and assumed I had a decent chance to at least get the second or third place prize, but he wasn't trying at all last night.
Hated David A.'s take on "Imagine". HATED. IT. He sings well and he's adorable, but that's just one song I like to hear done straight.
I really liked David Cook's performance. He seemed very comfortable on the stage and he is definitely more "rock and roll" than whats-his-name. Simon's harping about David's crossword puzzle love "hurting him" was just dumb.
I also must be in the minority when I say that I think David Hernandez's performance was all full of "crazy eyes" (without a equal ratio of hot) and over performing. I just wasn't feeling it (dawg).
And I can't help but like Danny Noriega's neck swiveling campiness. One of the only contestants this year with a personality.
Please don't take away my "What's Alan Watching" membership but I actually enjoyed David's take on "Imagine". But I'm one of those sentimental morons who weep at the drop of a hat so watching someone sing beautifully, a song that I think is powerful anyway, is a sure bet that I'll be weeping like my grandma by the end of it.
I visibly cringed when David Cook played the "you're not the one I have to impress" card this early in the competition. Seriously, don't these contestants pay attention? As irritating as Simon is, the contestants who sass him always get sent home. I won't be surprised if David is kicked out on Thursday.
Also, I understand that Luke is not the best singer in the world, honest, I really get that. But damn does the boy bring the pretty. So, so pretty. It makes me want him to make the top 10 just so I can have some eye candy. That's wrong isn't it?
Alan, I have a question about the rules on AI. All the contestant's myspace pages direct you to go to their "official" pages, and yet Robbie's page with his band is still intact. I assume there is a rule on this, as the other's myspace pages all have the exact same message on them. Why is Robbie's allowed to stay as-is?
I assume there is a rule on this, as the other's myspace pages all have the exact same message on them. Why is Robbie's allowed to stay as-is?
I don't know for sure -- and don't really feel like dealing with the KGB-level of bureaucracy necessary to get answers to these questions -- but I believe the distinction is that it's a page for Robbie's band, whereas the other pages were for the contestants and only the contestants.
"David might know "Imagine," or he might have just picked it because he's vaguely heard of John Lennon before."
I saw him on YouTube performing it on some show years ago. I bet he's sung it a million times, adding more embelishments each time.
David A's version of Imagine sounds like the Eva Cassidy version. While I liked him, I don't think I can say that it was the best ever performance. The problem is the judges have short term memory and proclaim best ever so much it has no meaning. He was still very good, along with David H. and Chikeze.
At least focusing on him reduces the ringer controversy.
and as I am typing this, Kristy Lee Cook is singing alright but has stripper-like moves.. Someone needs to tell her it's a G rated show.
Oh, Eva Cassidy did Imagine? Now I have to go find that MP3.
Is Jason Castro the skunk stripe guy? On our AI blog we really liked him!
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