Super Bowl Sunday, and with a local team involved, I got recruited to contribute to our paper's voluminous amounts of coverage:
If there's one thing that every Giants fan can agree on, it's that Joe Buck and Troy Aikman hate their team.
Or is it that Aikman's okay, but Buck despises all teams from New York?
Or that Buck's impartial, but Aikman wears Cowboy boxer shorts while calling games?
Or that maybe, possibly... Fox's Super Bowl announcing duo isn't any more or less biased than any other two guys in the booth?
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Well Alan, I agree with you on many a thing, but... I'm sorry, I just gotta say...
Go Pats
As a long suffering Detroit fan, I'm pretty impartial in this one and I honestly can't detect an anti-Giants bias in Aikman or Buck. I do think the media in general has been talking more about the Patriots and the perfect record and Tom Brady's former and current girlfriends.
I think for those of us outside of NY and Mass/New England the team you root for will be whether or not you go for underdogs or the dominating team.
Or for which QB you think is cuter. :-)
This might semm like a dumb question but how come I never see the All TV column in the newspaper anymore? Alan is the only critic I can tolerate.
Living in Los Angeles, I'm a girl without a team, so I consider myself pretty neutral (although I did root for the Giants when they beat the Broncos in the Super Bowl played in the Rose Bowl, approximately '85 or '86). But then I see that smirk on Tom Brady's smug face, I dream of him going down, Joe Theismann style. And if memory serves, didn't LT deliver that blow?
Wait, the NEW YORK Giants are complaining about bias in the media when New York and Boston basically get 90 percent of sports coverage? It's not called an East Coast bias for nothing...
I don't know about bias, but as far as insightful comments that announcing team does nothing for me. Isn't Joe Buck a guy who got the job of being Fox's number one play-by-play guy without any previous NFL announcing exposure. He's an example of nepotism in the broadcasting business, what with his father a well-known announcer.
As far as Troy, the only thing I can say about him is at least he's not Phil Simms or Boomer Esiason - they're two of the biggest blowhards to have ever "analyzed" a game.
Joe Buck despoils every game in which he does play-by-play, be it in football or baseball. Speaking of baseball, if you think Buck and Aikman are bad, Buck and McCarver are lethal.
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