I actually have very little to say about tonight's
"Entourage," save that the ending of Ari's story feels like it's going to be a particularly skeevy way for the show to travel its usual "everything works out just fine for Vince" route. But I had this photo of Martin Landau as Bob Ryan, who reminded me of
the days when I really enjoyed the show, and I wanted to use it. But since none of us seems capable of actually not watching it anymore, fire away with your own thoughts.
Watched for the first time since the season opener, trying to take a break from this Phillies game, and, ugh. Hated Dom before, hate the character now.
As stated before, I love the show and seen through eric's eyes, I think the show is more than just dumb entertainment.
That said, "Vondos" (lol) dying did seem to way to far/easy/cheap way to go for Vince to get in the movie. I might have respected it more if Ari was able to hustle him, then he dies, but this way is a complete cop out.
I was surprised by Dom not skipping bail. I thought it was great they way the teased it the whole episode, then when u just think it has happened, the reverse it one last time and Dom accepts his fate, D'Angelo style (2 wire references in one comment, damn.)
This wasn't as bad as last week's, but it was pretty light on the funny. Why bring Dom back if thats all they were going to do with him?
this season is killing me. I am finding myself having to turn the channel every so often to distract myself (having to find a distraction from what is supposed to be a pleasant diversion itself)
once the show committed to medellin, they should have seen it through to a coherent end. the opener reliably set the tone of each subsequent episode and that tone is " I guess the writers are not that creative. eh, who cares!"
its true, we do seem to be unable to break the habit in order to protest.
I was never really impressed by the show, but I enjoyed it - funny and quirky and I could forgive them for eric because there was plenty of gary busey, threesomes at sundance, the haze/bliss of being turtle, and of course - the centerpiece- Ari.
but now its seems silly and stupid AND they dont care anymore.
my prescription would be to schock the system: eric gets hit with a paternity suit, put drama back in a regular supporting role (like a writer's strike shuts down production), turtle's job should be a drug dealer, Ari leases Mrs. Ari to Bob in order to get the ramones script back in play, and dom/shauna/mandy moore/whoopie should never be seen again.
p.s. the problem with this show has always been been just a tad too much mark wahlberg. he is much better at conversing with farm animals than producing.
And it turns out that i'm left handed too! I had no idea. That was just plain stupid.
I actually think it's going to work out a little differently. My projections:
1. Crazy writers on "Smoke Jumpers" screw Eric and Vince out of the movie, but demand too much creative control, resulting in the movie either bombing or never getting made.
2. Drama gets fired and/or Five Towns gets cancelled. (Turtle probably winds up getting it on with the cute assistant who showed up last night as well.)
3. Bob Ryan's Ramones picture (there's got to be a reason he specifically referred to that one during last night's episode) winds up as Vince's (and Bob's) comeback vehicle.
Everything will wind up working out fine for Vince (because that's how the show goes).
And how stiff was Phil Mickelson last night? ("You guys are hilarious" had us rolling on the floor...but only because the delivery was so wooden.)
Does anyone know if and when Curb Your Enthusiasm is coming back on? I was pretty sure I heard that Larry David agreed to do another season...just haven't heard anything since then.
I usually like shout-outs to Princess Bride, but I just couldn't get into last night's episode. Not as bad as last week's show, but still just "meh"...
Are they going to take the whole season to get Vince onto Smoke Jumpers? We know it's going to happen eventually, so just get it over with. I think the main problem with this show is the overall pacing. They need to cut out the Ari and Drama sub-plots, refocus the show around Vince, and just run with the plot each week.
What is the spoiler policy on "Scenes from the Next?"
The policy is to not discuss the previews.
Nothing on Curb, Alan? I know this is an Entourage post...but given their both HBO shows I figured I could ask here.
This show has been declining since the second half of season 2.
That being said, Landau is great as Bob Ryan, and I am one of the few people who like Dom... maybe because of Fuzzy Dunlop and The Wire.
y'know, after the first slight gasp of breath, I laughed. Because I realized he was going to have a heart attack and die, and that's how they were going to get past the obstacle of this character.
I'm a minority that liked last week's shroom episode, I know that (but drug-trip episodes of any show are usually badly done, and that one felt real to me).
But I know what's going to happen. Everything works out okay, all the time. The only laugh I had was realizing "oh, that's how they'll write themselves out of this box" And the only surprise was that Ari wasn't immediately happy, he was going home to be with his family.
But yah, left-handed golfing? please.
why am I still watching? Probably because it's only 1/2 hour, so it doesn't take long to sit through it.
Solid episode with a somber ending. It didnt play out skeevy, nobody said anything callous about Alan's death, only Drama spoke what everybody was thinking and Dillon played it well. My prediction is that the Ramones mention was foreshadowing, with Alan dead the ball will get rolling on that project with Vince as lead again.
Herc and Vondos deserve better
Good episode. I love how they brought back Landau, Vondas, and Dom in one episode. Kind of sad to see Dom go to prison, I didn't like him in the earlier episodes, but liked his redemption in this episode. It would have been interesting to see him as the fifth wheel on this show.
The only problem I have with the episode, is what was the point of the Drama/Turtle storyline? Not much happened there.
Just watched an ep from Season One and was reminded how GOOD this show once was. The antagonism between Eric and Ari really fueled a lot of the show's initial energy. Piven did indeed deserve those first awards. But man...that was so LONG ago. The story has gotten away from the makers of this show. Vince hadn't worked in FOREVER and yet he was living the lifestyle of a BILLIONAIRE, and this season they just create stupid, unnecessary scenarios for Ari just so Piven can do the now tired, old Ari act. A real shame.
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