Since I'm tied up with press tour, I don't have time to do a full episode review for the
"Damages" season premiere. You can re-read
my column if you want -- and keep in mind that I rather liked the premiere before getting frustrated later -- and fire away with your own thoughts.
I thought it was okay. So much going on. And I am still deciding if I want to get re-engaged with this show. Also, seeing Tim Olyphant only makes me sad as I just completed rewatching season 3 of Deadwood.
Out of curiosity, which actors appear in the opening credits with Close, Byrne, Donovan and Danson now? Who's just a guest star?
Since when do plaintiffs' lawyers (or hell, any lawyers) appear on Live With Regis and Kelly? I just found that to strain credulity.
Credits are
Close, Byrne, Donovan, Anastasia Griffith, with Marcia Gay Harden and Timothy Olyphant and Ted Danson and William Hurt. (That's the billing order and the intros used for each one.)
Yeah, I thought the Regis & Kelly thing was ridiculous too. Maybe a lawyer would be on Larry King, but even that would be a stretch. It was also ridiculous that Ellen was supposed to have gone along with Patty and was standing on the side of the stage. Of course, nothing in this rings true. Like when Glenn Close said to have something analyzed "by our guy at Columbia." Since when do law firms keep university scientists on retainer? Completely ridiculous. Also, most of the attempts at creating mystery are completely forced and you can practically hear the writers trying to grind suspense out of them. The worst, though, was the plot involving the guy's daughter getting busted with coke. That whole storyline was so poorly written that I actually laughed at it. Btw, $100 says Ellen's monologue isn't directed to anyone and she's just rehearsing a coversation she wants to have (most likely with Frobisher.)
Good Lord, though, does Rose Byrne need to eat a hamburger or 17. They kept putting her in sleeveless outfits that only served to accentuate the boniness.
Not sure what was so ridiculous about the daughter getting busted for coke. It was obvious by the way things turned out and by her son's comments that Patty set that up in order to get the guy back into her foundation. Unless that is what you thought was ridiculous?
This first ep was not as shocking and intriguing for me as the first season. But there were still some good moments. Rose Byrne is better this year, most likely because she is no longer the innocent first year lawyer.
I enjoyed the first season so much, I'm willing to go for a ride a second time.
Kinda curious what Patty's relationship was/is to William Hurt's character in the past.
This show has a brilliant cast, though the writing could have been better i still enjoy the moments of darkness in the show.
Lot better than the manholes in story lines of PB4 or Heroes again because of great talent of cast
Rose Bryne is acting way better in the season, like the angry shot when patty say the attempt was one her life
I enjoyed the first episode. Last season they had Patty on a series of talk shows, so having her appear on Regis & Kelly didn't seem too out of place to me. Although having Ellen standing off to the side where the producer usually is, was strange.
I too was thinking Ellen was talking to herself in the mirror, rehearsing what she'd say to someone, until she shot the gun. Now I'm not so sure. I'll keep watching...for now.
Anastasia Griffith is still in the main credits? Drat. She was one of my least favorite things about season one and I thought, since her brother on the show is dead and all, we were done with her for good. Oh well.
I didn't think this episode had the punch of the pilot, but it set up enough intrigue about how all of these disparate threads are going to fit together that I'll keep watching. Also, I'll watch anything with Timothy Olyphant. Even Catch and Release.
Thanks Matt!
Carrie, Griffith was only billed as a co-star last season, so she actually got a pretty significant bump up for season 2.
Am I the only one who totally gave up on this show after last night? I watched every episode of last season because it was summer and not much else was on, but I just don't see this season holding my interest. Close, Danson, and Hurt are all fantastic, but I don't find myself wondering what's going to happen at all. I also found all the dream sequences to be annoying. Sorry Glenn, I love you but your show doesn't do you justice.
I chuckled at the opening credits (and Timothy Olyphant and Ted Danson and William Hurt). It's always awkward when you have more than one "and" position.
Andrew: Haha, I noticed that. They were trying so hard not to step on anyone's toes, ego wise, that it just came off as clumsy.
I liked the first episode, but it's likely going to take me a few episodes to really get into the show again.
I thought season 1 was one of the most satisfying single seasons of tv I've seen so I've probably got a base level of acceptance of its standard operating shtick beyond others. But I know its always something that can slide off that knife edge, so I also like that tension as a viewer. I liked the premiere. I can't remember what bona fides the FBI guys established last season, if any, so I wonder about them. Another "evil corporation poisoning people" storyline doesn't thrill but if you're gonna go there, you might as well go there with the cast they have.
I had no idea Rawls and Lester were going to be on it! Yay.
IMHO this looks even better than S1. More storylines but still keeping the flash forwards and the 'in media res' feel. I thought they'd ditch that because its so hard for casual viewers to watch. I doubt the show will last past its current contract as a result though. But I'll enjoy it while it lasts. And as you say Ellen is now a far more interesting character than she was for much of S1.
Having more arcs makes sense because if there's a criticism of S1 other than the character of Ellen its that the Frobisher arc circled around itself for too much of S1.
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