From the tail end of an ABC press release announcing the network's summer schedule and the return of shows like "Wipeout" and "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" comes this paragraph:
Airdates for the remaining episodes of "Pushing Daisies," "Eli Stone" and "Dirty Sexy Money" were also announced, with "Pushing Daisies" returning to the schedule as of Saturday, May 30 through Saturday, June 13 at 10:00 p.m.; "Eli Stone" on Saturday, June 20 through Saturday, July 11 at 10:00 p.m.; and "Dirty Sexy Money" on Saturday, July 18 through August 8 at 10:00 p.m.
So now we know -- which, as a wise soldier once said, is half the battle.
My Birthday is on May 31, I will view the airing of the last Pushing Daisies episodes as a lovely birthday present.
Looks like ABC got third place in the saturday 10 pm slot locked down for the entire summer.
Isn't it: "Now you know and knowing is half the battle" GI JOE!
I've been catching up with Eli Stone via the internets and its broadcast on Canadian TV. I think it is wild that they didn't just reserve Eli Stone for the summer anyway. The should rerun the whole second season starting in June.
Still no word on those last episodes of The Nine...
Well, you could knock me over with a satellite dish. I was just messin' about The Nine, but apparently DirecTV will air all 13 filmed episodes starting May 27, it says here.
About damn time!
"Wipeout" and "I Survived a Japanese Game Show"
[heavy sigh]
[sarcasm on]
Oh, joy. Now at last, I can watch something original, creative, and funny.
[/sarcasm off]
Aw. That picture just reminds me of how much I miss PD, and how bitter I am it was cancelled. "When he writes a cheque, the bank bounce." Godspeed, Emerson Cod.
The DVDs are due out July 21, I think I heard (possibly here)?
Speaking of unaired episodes, I've long wondered: When they yanked "Emily's Reasons Why Not" after a single appearance, what happened to the remaining episodes? Were they so awful that they actually burned the film? Surely some basic cable channel could use five never-seen episodes of Heather Graham somewhere?
I had a hard time the other day, and I just watched Comfort Food to make it better. I hadn't fully realized it when it was still on, but I need that show. PD is love.
I'm glad the remaining DSM episodes will be shown. I was really enjoying what was going on with the Blair Underwood character. Not exactly high quality TV, but entertaining enough to keep me wanting to know what was going to happen next.I would have liked to see it continue simply for the Underwood/Donald Sutherland match-ups.
Wow... I had just about given up hope of ever seeing the remaining PD episodes! Thanks for the heads-up, Alan!
ARGH! NO! ABC! Why?! I'll be in another country those weekends they'll finally air the last PD episodes! NO!!!!!
DVR to the rescue.
I'm with you filmcricket...seeing that photo made me realize how much I had missed Pushing Daisies, television-wise.
I'm glad they will air...and I assume Warner Bros. is putting out a DVD, right?
Pushing Daisies Season 2 DVD set with 13 episodes will be released July 21, 2009.
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