It's getting close to end of business day around here, and other work is piling up, so all I have time to say about last night's
"Fringe" is that it was a fairly satisfying Monster of the Week episode with enough hints about the Pattern to not feel like it was entirely isolated. Also, John Noble was equally good with both the pathos (Walter discussing the soul) and the comedy (Walter extolling the virtues of Peek Freans
and the Clapper in the same scene).
What did everybody else think?
Say what you will about this show, "I also have a cow" made everything worthwhile.
We enjoyed the show though it was a mite too gory for me. I thought they did a good job faking us with "Bob" in the beginning as the predator.
Alan: do you know how many episodes of "Fringe" are left for this season? Thanks. :)
Jennifer J - I believe I've read that there's two to go.
I really liked the use of Bauhaus, She Wants Revenge, and Daniel Ash music in a vampire-ish plot. I thought it was a nice touch.
@Jennifer J.
Josh is right, there's one episode next week, and then the season finale the week after, taking us up to only 20 episodes. I'd hoped we'd have more, or at least a two-hour finale.
I found, "I'm looking for someone with syphillis" at the night club to be a pretty outstanding line too.
re: Nightclub line -- They could have have done better with "I'm looking for someone who is really hot"
Say what you will about this show, "I also have a cow" made everything worthwhile.
I found, "I'm looking for someone with syphillis" at the night club to be a pretty outstanding line too.
Agreed. Those two lines, and the fact that Walter had a Clapper made the episode for me.
I thought they did a good job faking us with "Bob" in the beginning as the predator.He was a predator, just a different type :-)
I knew the ep was effective when the MotW chick wound up in my dreams last night. It's been a while since that happened! Too bad Walter wasn't there saying off-the-wall things to balance it out.
Another strong episode. Walter moments are what make this show.
Thanks Josh and purpletoonlink. :)
along with the great one liners... the exchange between Olivia and Broyles about the attorney was a nice twist on the 'who's really in charge' game.
Have these people never watched a TV show? Tranquilized monster-person in back seat, dismissed by Our Heroes with "She'll be out for hours," cute banter in front seat from Our Heroes... never would have seen it coming that the monster-person would WAKE UP and ATTACK!
Enjoyed the episode, enjoyed the opportunity to watch Jefferson Mays, but come on, if I can guess ahead of time, surely Our Heroes could as well. (For some reason I knew ahead of time also that the Big Bad at the beginning would be the woman, not the man - probably from lots of experience trying to figure out the red herrings at the start of most House episodes.)
I noticed several inconsistencies between the closed captioning and the off-camera dialog, as if the show got "punched-up" a bit, late in the game. Walter's comment about the mouthwash, for example.
I love Walter. I love the idea of him mixing up a batch of DMT in the off-hours. "Agent Dunham, are you tripping?" Best line from the series?
At the end of the episode, for me, Olivia was sayingsomething like "the name of the man is" and then it cut off and the news started. Was that the end?
At the end of the episode, for me, Olivia was sayingsomething like "the name of the man is" and then it cut off and the news started. Was that the end?William Bell
Thanks, Tiana. I thought maybe they were trying for a cliff hanger or something. LOL.
I forgot to mention that my husband and I loved that the beginning music was "Bela Lugosi's Dead" By Bauhaus. It fit perfectly. :)
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