Because of Passover, and my preferential devotion to "Lost" and "Life," I haven't seen last night's
"American Idol" elimination show, but the Ledger's
Len Melisurgo has a recap at our site. Feel free to talk in the comments about the results, Kellie Pickler's apparent new look, or anything else that happened -- including, I understand, the non-mention of Tuesday night's 8-minute overrun.
I didn't watch the whole results show, but I did fast-forward to the end to watch the elimination. I was disgusted to find that the judges strung Scott along while they "debated" for five minutes about whether to save him. Finally, after he performed and they made him squirm for a while, Simon put the poor guy out of his misery.
I really hate this new rule, especially when they trot it out to get a few more minutes of fake drama.
I can't believe the girls wanted to save Scott -- he's only survived this far on a sympathy vote and was AWFUL on this last song. There's a lot subjective about who you like, but just flat missing notes all over the place (and apparently not knowing that you can't hit those notes!) is plain fact.
Agree with Shannon. The judges' save is turning into a sadistic twist at the end of results show each week. Scott was never going to win and I was horrified at the way they strung him along. When someone gets voted off , let them at least have a little dignity for crissake.
Agreed. This new "drama" of making the contestants wait to be saved is stupid and mean. I doubt seriously they'll use it at all.
That said, it was Scott's time to go. I'm truly surprised he'd made it that far, honestly.
Not the greatest bunch this year. I find myself fast-forwarding through most everyone's song, after listening to the first couple of lines. Adam Lambert is at least interesting.
The whole save drama is so contrived, so fake that its a joke. Particularly with Scott, he appeared to buy into it begging for his "life". It was one of the more uncomfortable, awful reality moments I've seen actually.
And while we're at it, I think the new judge takes away from the show more than it adds. I don't think she adds much to the panel except younger female good looks. I find myself fast forwarding through parts of the judging now, when I never did before.
Four judges are just one too many...three was enough. I wouldn't object to replacing a judge, but adding one was a mistake, especially because she tends to be long-winded.
Two things:
1) Even though the live singing was awful, it was still a million times better than lip synching. Thank you, Idol.
2) I guess the Power of the Pretty is indeed in full effect and I, for one, am happy. I would've been pretty upset if Kris, after one mediocre performance, got booted and Scott, after nothing but mediocre performances, didn't.
Thank you America, for waking up!
ANd i can't believe 2 of the judges wanted to save Scott...just cuz you're a blind dude doesn't mean you can sing!
Good riddance...next to go, Lil or Anoop
There has been a lot of complaining about this season being pretty weak compared to others, but I can't remember a Top 7 having no one to really root against as this crop. Now that the oil rigger, the tattooed bird lover, and the blind guy are gone, I'd say the group left over have the best contestants of the top 13.
Sure Anoop and Matt have wild weeks where it's either really good or boring/bad, while Lil still hasn't had a great performance yet. However, I remember cringing each week when Sanjaya, Jasmine Trias, and someone else from each season when I couldn't believe they kept making it somehow. Adam, Danny, and the rest may have their detrators, but the leftover bunch have at least expressed some modicum of talent to root for.
Scott said later that night on "American Idol Extra" that he still thinks he had a good performance "and I stand by it."
This, of course, is pathetic. Referring to me watching "American Idol Extra", I mean.
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