Bill Lawrence has said he wanted to do this two-parter to win an argument with mentor Gary David Goldberg. Goldberg, who created "Family Ties" and worked with Lawrence on "Spin City," said that sitcom road trip episodes are never funny -- certainly, no one was raving about the "Family Ties Vacation" movie about the Keaton family's trip to London -- and Lawrence wanted to prove him wrong.
Based on part one of "My Soul On Fire," I think Lawrence is well on his way to winning the debate.
Though some of the funniest moments of the episode came before we left Sacred Heart -- the revamped Brain Trust meeting, Turk's discomfort at JD's "downstairs" bump, JD (and, I'm guessing, Zach Braff) being eager to show off his ripped new physique -- there were still plenty of laughs to be had on location, like Turk choosing the pool over the bathroom, JD's seismic high-five fantasy, Turk's horror at seeing Carla in shorts, and Jordan estimating that her bikini bod is "50 percent real."
I don't have much that's deep to say, as this wasn't a deep episode. Where last week's "My Full Moon" was low-key and wistful, "My Soul On Fire" part the first was aiming for laughs, and mostly finding them.
What did everybody else think?
That picture makes me wish I'd watched last night.
Jordan's body may be 50% real, but her face seems to be 20% real tops. I find it's plastic-sheen to be terrifying.
We've seen the "downstairs" bump before, no?
I was really scared that Lloyd was actually dead, so I'm glad he had faked his own death.
I'm also kind of sick of super skinny Elliot talking about how she needs to lose weight, and even sicker of JD not calling her out on it. Elliot was good last week, but in general she's become a (mostly annoying) caricature.
Eliot was getting dizzy climbing the hill this week and last week she was talking about quitting medicine when she had kids. I'm probably premature here, but I think there's going to be a pregnancy coming up. Or possibly an illness.
That's just rampant speculation on my part. It isn't based on any previews or spoilers I've read.
We've seen the "downstairs" bump before, no?
I believe we have, but the Braff/Faison interplay about it this time was particularly amusing.
The funniest Scrubs in a long time. Even though I usually love the "lessons" with patients, all the death sometimes just gets me down. Was nice to see the road trip so everybody could just concentrate on funny.
We've seen the "downstairs" bump before, no?
In the opening for the episode where JD and Turk played Space Invaders, with the interns as Space Invaders, and water balloons as the ship's gunfire...
I think my favorite thing might have been JD backtracking in order to not include The Todd in his "We should all go the the Bahamas" speech to only the main cast, then having to expand it when Ken Jennings piped up. "I was talking to your table... But just not to your chair."
I'm still laughing at Kelso's "My God, she ate the rind!" line today, 14 hours after seeing the episode on DVR.
I loved this episode. It brought the laughs in droves, from the revamped Brain Trust, to Ted's face swallowing the sunscreen, to the hilarious earthquake high-five, to Turk's shock at Carla CHEWING her toenails.
I also thought preggers for Elliot after some of her actions in this episode. It may yet come to pass...
Here's a small question: Where is Enid in all of this when Kelso tags along to the Bahamas as well?
this photo should be used in all the "are they real or are the fake" debates. The difference is striking!
Doug! The Brain Trust! Lloyd! The one armed security guard! The Brady Bunch!
This episode had a whole lot of good stuff in it. And I'm just speculating here, but in weddings, especially tv weddings, there's an exchange of vows in which the parties are NAMED. Does this mean we learn janitor's name next week? Will it be Neil Flynn? If we hear it, I think that just about ends the series.
Can't wait til next week. The Barry Williams cameo was classic.
I'm not sure how I feel about this episode. Some fun moments with the idols/JDs gayness, etc...but it just feels so...sitcomy. Down to the extended scenes getting off the boat. And for what? Yes, the plot is very janitor but so far this feels like a half hour idea that is stretched out to a two parter, and its distracting me from the good in this episode.
Whenever I hear the Janitor's girlfriend's name, I hear Led Zepplin singing "Over the Hills & Far Away" cause it starts "Hey Lady..." Or possibly Styx's "Lady" If they can get Lloyd down to the Bahamas, too, they will have every member of the Cool Cats, the Janitor's air-band. How awesome would a serenade be?
Simply put, the funniest episode of the last three years or so. Loved it. And thanks for the picture Alan!
I'm still surprised that Jan I. Tor knows 450 people. I wonder how many cleaning-related gifts they'll get?
Funniest episode of the season...i was laughing all the way through.
Favorite line was from Ted after Eliot finished singing: "You raped my soul."
I laughed out loud at JD doing the na-na-na-na-na-na to Carla and Turk's response. "Downstairs" was pretty great too, as was the Janitor's whole plot about the wedding and JD screwing it up.
No doubt the next episode will pile on the emotional stuff in getting all 3 couples back together and the Janitor and Lady wed, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm guessing that at some point JD will make a big heartfelt speech about how much he loves Elliot, but predictable things don't have to be bad if done well.
I felt this wasn't a particuarly strong episode, but whatever. I did love seeing a cameo from Winkler (was that him?) as Todd's guru. And where else would Todd go to med school?
Great episode. Two bits a continuity, one good one bad.
The good: the clock in the corner reference to a very early episode wehn JD realized he had 24 hours to kill Elliot before heading into the friends zone.
The bad: I didn't like the joke about The Todd's med schooling. One of the running jokes about him is that no matter how much of a tool he is, he is a great surgeon.
PS. I made the sound as soon as JD and Turk mentioned the idols. When they did to, the episode officially became a classic
OMG that should be "kiss Elliot"
Jeez, what doe sthat say about me? :-)
So are we going to hear Spiritualized's Soul on Fire next week in the inevitable musical montage? That's the only thing I thought of when I saw the title.
didn't really like this episode so much. like a previous poster said, it felt very "sitcommy." I really prefer it when it's set in the hospital.
also, I hate to say it, but I'm really tired of the old characters; that's why I've loved the interns so much this season, because they've kept it fresh. we just keep rehashing old, tired jokes about the old characters' habits and mannerisms..
I didn't see anyone mention it, but is anyone else wondering how the vows will go?
"I Janitor, take you, Lady?"
Will we finally get a name?
That, to me, is the only interesting part to this episode. I guess I'm in the minority. The whole "Elliot needs to loose weight" thing was sorta stupid, as was her going back to desperate, demanding relationship girl. Blech.
Is that picture from this episode? I ask only because both my wife and I commented on how bony Elliot's chest looked in a bathing suit. You could literally see her sternum and ribs, and that certainly ain't happening in this photo. LOL
Hey! Is that an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie, yellow polka dot bikini?
My prediction? Next week's wedding will end being JD & Elliot's. It will be his "spontaneous, meaningful declaration of love". Janitor & Lady? Red Herring...
I actually didn't find this episode to be as strong as others this season, and I think Bill Lawrence is losing his bet, unless next week's episode is far stronger. I hate what they're doing with the female characters--Carla's become totally baby-obsessed, Elliot's whiny and far too concerned with her weight, and Jordan...needs some facial expressions.
And Turk's whole horror at the shorts? Not cute or funny, not in my book. Kind of mean-spirited, really. Like there haven't been episodes where he's dressed fairly schlubbily.
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