I watched tonight's
"My Boys" a few weeks ago and found it maybe my favorite of the season so far -- I loved the board game decathalon, the guys all being lazy slobs in front of Stephanie, and Kenny's realization that he was trapped on a team with the couple -- but if I stopped to do a lengthier blog post, I wouldn't be able to go to sleep. And I want to go to sleep. So fire away with your own thoughts on Coldplay, curling and the Angola 1992 Olympic basketball team.
The Radiohead/Coldplay comparison was perfect. Coldplay IS lead by a total d-bag. This show gets me.
"Who's Coldplay?" Poor Andy.
Good times.
"Wait - now who's Radiohead?"
Andy kills me. I also loved that his relaxation was to take off his pants and sit down in front of the TV with a big plate of pork products. Which he didn't even eat because he fell asleep so fast. Ha!
Sigh, I like Coldplay. It's like the line from the 40 Year Old Virgin, it stings because the line, "You wanna know why you're gay..." is true for me too lol.
I thought this was one of the funnier outings so far and felt Stephanie was used well for once in this episode
I'm still watching this show, hoping that at some point the actors will stop being characters, loosen up, and maybe appear more natural on screen. Aside from Andy it hasn't really happened for the rest and this is now, what, Season 3? I may have to throw in the towel.
Did PJ grab a Tribune from the news guy? Way to support your rival there, Peej. It's bad enough you're fraternizing with the enemy.
I loved the Coldplay slagging... sure I listen to them, but they are pale copies of Radiohead. And considering Gwyneth Paltrow introduced Radiohead at the Grammys, I suspect that Coldplay acknowledges that it is the inferior copy.
And "eat me" in Angolan... brilliant.
I'll have to seek this one out, if only to nitpick on the boardgame decathlon.
I really enjoyed Andy thinking "Clementine" was hit by a bus.
Poor Kenny. He just can't catch a break with the Decathalon.
Also, I had forgotten that the doctor that lives in Brendan's head went to Harvard Medical School. That always amuses me.
There is always funny stuff in each my boys episode but I found this one to be pretty dull compared to others. i seem to be in the minority.
And I have to nitpick and say that it was totally unrealistic that kenny wouldn't write down an answer to the question before time was up. It wouldn't have taken more than 2 seconds to write sampras or whatever he wanted to guess. In the spirit of the normally very competitive decathlon it bothered me. though it was hysterical when kenny was in disbelief that Bobby would tell PF in the middle of the decathlon that she was "too competitive."
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