I don't write about (or watch) the original
"CSI" all that much. But considering the number of "Battlestar Galactica" fans who hang around here, I wanted to point out that tonight's "CSI" was not only written by ace "BSG" scribes David Weddle and Bradley Thompson, but it features guest appearances by Kate Vernon (aka Ellen Tigh) and Ronald D. Moore himself,
and it features a murder victim modeled on Moore (a producer trying to revamp a beloved but campy old sci-fi series into something more gritty and political),
and it features "CSI" co-stars Wallace Langham and Liz Vassey cavorting in a variety of costumes and sets closely modeled on the William Shatner-era "Star Trek." I watched it with a big smile on my face, and you probably will, too.
Mo Ryan also liked the episode, and she talks to "CSI" showrunner Naren Shankar about it and upcoming developments on the show.
I had to let CSI go after WP left. My Thursday TiVo was too busy and something had to give. I will concede it is the only CSI worth watching.
It's a little sad how much I am looking forward to this ep. Supernatural gets my full attention Thursdays @9, but I like to check in with Original Recipe CSI every now and again, because they can still pull great stories out of their hats.
Thanks for the heads up, Alan! I'm a big fan of both BSG and CSI (original recipe only), so this will be like a little slice of geek heaven for me.
I thought I would miss Grissom a lot more than I do. Laurence Fishburne has been doing a great job.
Wish Liz Vassey got cast in more shows I actually watch. Have been crushing since Maximum Bob. Will tune in and pray that she shows up wearing green.
Thanks, Alan! You've given me an even more to look forward to in tonight's CSI ep. I still miss Grissom something fierce but, am hoping his departure gives someone else on the cast a chance to "step-up" and into the limelight.
LF is doing alright but, since Catherine took over Grissom's position, I'd think she'd be more central to the show! Instead, she gets token lines and a few quips - just like always! How did that happen?! I'm still feeling WP's loss in every episode. Still, I'll wait until next season before I dump this show. Gotta give it a chance to settle.
Tonight should be nothing but fun! Can't wait!
Is Vassey showing up dressed as Captain Liberty?
It was awesome! So much fun.
And to anyone who stopped watching CSI: I have to say this season has been greatly improved. Weddle/Thompson joining the team has had a clear effect on the episodes, bringing them back to the levels of earlier seasons.
That was fun! Did everyone else notice Boomer in the crowd at the Convention?
The stories since Grissom left have been great. The Friedkin episode, and the opening to the skydiving episode last week especially. It's like the writers decided to step it up a bit with WP gone.
I was anticipating the "he's dead, Jim" comment from Hodges the minute he dialed up Brass. I was WAY too excited when he said it.
My problem with the show so far has not been with WP leaving and Fishburne...I think they are working hard and it has been ok...but with Lauren Lee Smith's Riley as the Sarah or Warrick (not sure who she was supposed to replace) replacement...she just does absolutely nothing for me.
Looking forward to this episode though, and like others have said I'm going to give it the rest of the season to see if I'll keep in on the DVR line-up.
I like Laurence Fishburne's professor character. He is a good addition to the cast. However Lauren Lee Smith is awful. I cringe whenever she appears onscreen. Her presence is grating. The producers made a HUGE mistake passing over Katee Sackhoff for that role. I kept imaging how perfectly Katee would have rocked last night's episode. Needless to say, as a BSG fan, I loved it. I'm pretty sure I saw Grace Park in the crowd, as well a Ron Moore himself. Awesome!
This episode was a real treat. I love those that put some spotlight on the techies. However, I didn't realize at the time about BSG cameos, so I'll have to go back and check 'em out.
RE: Grissom's absence -- I'm kinda stunned when people say they don't watch CSI this season now that Grissom's gone. It makes me wonder, "you honestly LIKED the shell-of-a-Grissom we've seen these last few seasons of sadness?" That's what caused me to give up on CSI just before Sorrowful Sarah left. Even though she and Grissom were always my favorites, their absence (along with Warrick's, aka "Murphy's Law Personified") has lifted a weight off this show that it's been carrying around for too long. That is a good thing. Fishburne is just gravy.
BTW, I do like the new girl, Riley, mostly because of the chemistry she has with Greg. Plus, she's much better than Ronnie, the new girl last season who always felt more like a redshirt than a member of the team.
"Did everyone else notice Boomer in the crowd at the Convention?
8:24 AM, April 17, 2009"
Yeeees, I saw her! it was for just a second or two. And tought it was a nice touch. XD
The murdered man was also an amalgam of Ron Moore and Richard Hatch, when Hatch was raising funds for his own reboot of BSG, plus the legion of con-attending actors who got busy in the hotel suites. Said its bit about SciFi media fandom and sexism, glancingly.
When it tries, CSI does some of the funniest episodes on TV. The cheesy Star Trek fantasies Hodges and Wendy were having was great. Also loved the in-jokes such as Ron Moore shouting "you suck" at the character who represented himself in real life. And Mandy explaining why Mr. Ed was sci fi (an alternate universe where horses have larynxes) while travelling faster than the speed of light was fantasy.
CSI is in its 8th season but still one of the smartest and best shows on TV.
I only saw one person mention it but Boomer/Grace was in the crowd. I hate this show, but it works if I'm on the treadmill, 1 hour- self contained episode. By the way, how HOT is Liz Vassey. Never noticied her, but wow- what a bod!
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