Oy. As if Izzie's recent behavior towards Callie wasn't disgusting enough, now George (admittedly, a blotto George) falls into bed with her?
So, so many things wrong with this. For starters, the writers had made it pretty clear in the past that George and Izzy didn't think about each in That Way, and while people can do all sorts of stupid stuff while drunk, George's reaction to Callie's accusation suggested that he really is attracted to Izzie but considers her out of his league.
Worse, there's a part of me that feels like George having sex with Izzie in some way justifies all the vile stuff Izzie's been slinging towards his wife in the last batch of episodes. The writers may not go that way -- after George and Meredith had their unfortunate very special time together, both characters came out looking badly -- but on initial reaction, George sleeping with this woman who's been so horrid to his wife is just about the worst thing anyone on this show has ever done. I'm not looking forward to any of the fallout from this, especially if the writers intend for Callie and George to get back together. Yuck.
The rest of the episode was pretty okay, I suppose. Three top-notch guest stars in Roger Rees (Robin Colcord, baby!), Shohreh Aghdashloo and James Gammon (always golden for pissing on Roger Dorn's contract), the long-awaited thaw in the Meredith/Thatcher relationship, and more humanizing of Alex in his relationship with Jane Doe. But the George/Izzie/Callie stuff leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
What did everybody else think?
Amen, Alan. Even after the George/Callie fight when they showed George and Izzie together, I still didn't think the show would be dumb enough to go there. Like you said, I'm not at all looking forward to the fallout of this. Why am I still watching this show?
Awful episode. First of all, last time we saw Meredith she was in the hospital after her "near death whatever" (and this kind of dialogue drives me crazy. It was one thing on Buffy, but this show constantly crams down our throats how important and genius these surgeons are. Stop having them talk like 15-year-olds!) But now she's 100% okay and even back at work?! Then there's the fact that Callie reveals herself to be a millionaire and NOBODY mentions that she was LIVING IN A BASEMENT last year. WTF? Finally, the George and Izzie scene...ugh. Totally ridiculous. Didn't we have this exact storyline last year with Meredith? And are we really supposed to believe George is somehow the stud of Seattle Grace? And even if it turns out the characters didn't have sex with each other, it's still such a tv cliche to have them wind up in bed naked leaving us thinking they had sex that I'm close to not watching this show anymore.
I really think Shonda Rhimes is a hack. She claimed on the writers' blog that she's "not entirely playing by the rules of tv here." Has the woman just never watched tv before? Because every storyline this past season has been done a million times before. And usually done better.
I fastforwarded through all of the George-Izzy stuff. Too painful. This show might be getting too daytime- soapy for me.
It's so easy. Just turn it off. You won't miss it. Trust me.
I watched it for awhile last year (never saw it from the beginning), a few episodes of Meredith bugging the heck out of me and the end-of-season episode with the bizarro prom in the hospital was enough to turn me off.
I have never felt freer! So many other good shows on tv....why waste your time?
I enjoyed the episode right up until the last scene. What an awful, awful plot twist. Is the writing staff insane or just creatively bankrupt? I feel like they've bought into the "happy people are boring" myth and are now creating random catastrophes just for the sake of giving the characters new reasons to yell at each other. There was plenty of drama and angst even without Izzie and George sleeping together, but now ... now it's just stupid.
In an ideal world, Callie would follow Addison onto Grey's 2.0. Not that I think the spin-off is a surefire success but Callie really deserves better than the nuts she's surrounded by at Seattle Grace.
Maybe I'm my opinion's colored a bit by Buffy, but I'm going to blame Marti Noxon more than Shonda Rhimes. The things that are going wrong with Grey's Anatomy this season remind me a lot of the complaints made of Buffy Season 6, (when Joss faded away for other projects and Marti Noxon took charge). She was fine (even inspired) as a lowly staff writer, but she has no idea how to manage a show.
I agree with everything you said about George/Callie/Izzie. I tuned back in to the show because I want to see the setup for Addison's spinoff, but I'll just wait for the finale now.
I can't think of a more gross, blatant character assassination in recent years. George going to the one woman who has been absolutely despicable and disgusting around Callie from the get-go... it's a total slap in the face. He could not have done something more vicious. Honestly, I wonder why they even introduced the Callie character at this point. Are we supposed to hate her and see her as the person in the way of Izzie and George? I think she and Addison are the two most amazing and interesting women on the show, and they need to get out of that hospital with their sanity intact.
I can't fathom why the writers thought this was a good idea. We have gotten nothing but the friend vibe from Izzie and George all this time, and what made the Izzie hating Callie thing interesting was that it had nothing to do with her "wanting" George. Now she's still despicable, and George is too. What the hell were they thinking?
Grey's only works because of its minor characters; the main cast, mostly, are unsympathetic, whiny, and uninteresting. Who are the most intriguing characters on the show? Addison, Calley, and the Chief. Of the main cast, only Alex is really interesting of late. George's back and forth on Calley is ridiculous and almost as obnoxious as Summer and Seth on the O.C. Ugh. If only Meredith had not come back from her "near death whatever" and Izzy had been jailed or sued for killing Denny would this show be truly worth watching.
When I tuned in on Thursday night at 9pm I thought that they were airing a special primetime episode of General Hospital.
The Addison spin off can't start soon enough. George is a tramp, Christina sleeps with male authority figures, Meredith just finished being a tramp and has cooled it for a bit since her "death"... boring.
Shonda must be smoking from Sorkin's crack pipe to think that this show is anything but a second rate soap opera.
Unless they fool me with another "we're actually going to kill Meredith show" this is the last Grey's Anatomy episode for me.
ugh. just gah. GA is awful at the moment. Bring on the Addison spinoff! does Izzie know no limits? and George is a big ol slapper! next up Bailey.. seriously.. this is bad. What does it say about the morals of the show that the only relationships these characters can sustain are those that start and end up in the bedroom in one night stands? Where are the good male/female platonic relationships gone?
George thinking Izzie is out of his league? i dont think so, Callie is out of his league. She is far more beautiful than Izzie on the inside and outside. Izzie is hateful, she is right there down the bottom with George. Gutter huggers both of them. And I'm sad about this because TR and Katherine are fantastic actors and I dont want to hate the characters, but Shondaco is forcing the audience to dislike them big time. Please let Callie go off with Addison to LA and leave this mess behind. She is too good for this crap.
On the plus side, i am liking Mark more and more. Can't wait for him to put McSelfish back where he belongs! Kick him in the junk!!
I thought Callie explained living in the basement to the Chief. She said it got her better surgeries b/c she was always there. The Chief aknowledged it as a strategy, but said she had to move out.
The sad thing about the George/Izzie thing is that I thought the episode was handling it really well for a while. I loved George showing up with booze and saying that Izzie needed to be supportive because there were some times that he didn't like his wife and needed to be convinced otherwise. That was really touching - he was saying, just be my best friend and play the role the way I need you to play it, for once.
And then they went and screwed it up. Oy. There's no happy way out of this one. George and Callie had a legitimate fight to work out - that she hadn't been open about her wealth and had blatantly lied about what the hotel cost. But now it's all tangled up in Izzie and it sucks.
I don't see what's so bad about that. Callie has been treating George in a terrible manner all season, Izzie has been treating her like garbage for the same time. Retrospectively, this development makes absolute sense. Sure, not all friendships are about this type of feelings, but so many of them are, on the other hand.
I'm not saying that this can't end up badly, but my initial reaction wasn't resentment; I really want to see how it plays out.
Geez, this show isn't even a background show for when I do complicated knitting projects anymore! It started as a mindless knitting show where you don't have to look down, and has deteriorated from there. I agree with those who say take Callie and Addison and get them out ASAP. I'd say take Bailey with 'em, but even she isn't the same character anymore. Then again, I read an item about the spinoff pilot being reminiscent of "Nip/Tuck." No thanks! They'd probably make me hate Addison too at the rate they're going.
I actually can't stand Callie. I think I'm the only one. The idea of Izzie and George together is still disgusting, though. I want that whole triangle off my screen.
Yeah Roger Rees! He was the best part of this episode. Two of Angela Chase's English teachers guest-starring on Grey's in one episode? Hee.
I only watch this show because it's the hottest show on tv. But I hate it. I hate these people. They are terrible people. They have the morals of hamsters.
I cant stop watching for some reason. I don't know why. I don't relate to these people. They are bad people.
I disagree. I think that it is a great plot twist, which is why the show is so popular. You can never guess what is going to happen. I am not as invested in Callie, and I think George and Izzie were inevitable. Although they said they didnt think of one another in that way, the show has been hinting at their chemistry for so long. It's a shame that Callie is going to get hurt, but you cant deny love! And I read a spoiler that said that they will fall in love!!
To place the George character ( A Mama's Boy) in any script that portrays him as the kind of guy women just have to have is a ridiculous concept anyway. This had to be created by the Asociation of Substitute Writers.
I live in the Netherlands, and here I just saw the episode where Meredith "dies", i was so happy because it could have been a huge and brilliant plot twist. Ofcourse they couldn't do this because she's the main character but I;m so sick of her winy voice and her stupid friends. I love Addison, Alex, Mark and George. But reading your reactions, I think I'm going to hate George in a few episodes.
I'm really happy there's going to be an Addison spinoff, that's awesome! I hope we will get it in Holland.
ok, well all i have 2 say is that i LOVE the idea of izze and gogre, maybe im a sucker 4 the best friend love plot. Me and my friends were joking one time and i got called izze and another one of my friends got called Calli. i just like Izzie with Goerge they seem 2 go together!
I HATED the triangle from the beginning. George and Izzy, C'mon "seriously". This totally sucks. Callie is a great woman and Izzy is such an ugly spirited woman, constantly attacking her. What kind of a friend is that??? They need to kill this with George realizing true love for Callie who has been so good to him when everyone else treats him like a nobody. I really, truly hope he and Izzy...just don't go there anymore+
Wow, such divergent views about George and Izzie.
I love Izzie and George period. Callie is a great girl, but they married for the wrong reasons, and I take exception to a woman trapping her man when he is obviously in mourning, which is what Callie did. Many of you have commented that Izzie has been behaving badly toward Callie. I have to agree, but it makes sense now that the two of them are smitten. Izzie realized what she was losing when Callie came into the picture.
I do think George is sexy and adorable. I can see what Izzie sees in him. They fit together, in a way that Callie (with her constant complaining)and George do not. As for Izzie being the babe, and George not (supposedly), you don't have to be McSteamy or McDreamy to get the looker. Izzie and George fit together on an emotional level, and they are so cute together too. I can't wait for the next episode.
Hm. I seem to be somewhat of a minority. I think the George and Izzy thing is sooo hot, it's sexy, it's romantic as hell and I love watching them! Thank you writers!!
i think the whole izzie and george relationship was a good move. its provocative, gives viewers something to talk about. not all plot twists need to be positive, characters develop, they have highs and lows, its just Izzie and Georges turn - for better or worse depending on individual opinions. i love secret romances, especially affairs. this whole thing is quite exciting, 'will or wont they get caught...and how...'
plus callie and george should have never got married, it was for the wrong reasons, plus she's always nagging him. i say go for it with "Gizzie". i also hope that they bring back hannah amongst all this, add a little extra drama and secrecy to it all...spice it up.
Meredith and Dereks relationship is repetitive, adding another couple entwined with a affair is exactly what the show needs. i cant wait to see this thing progress, i hope that shonda doesnt give into public opinion....
not to mention: its unlikely but it would be amusing if izzie got pregnant, especially since callie's the one wanting a baby (plus izzies past history) ... it would certainly make an interesting turn thats for sure. i doubt it would happen though, since Higel did "knocked up." u never know though...
at the very least i hope George and Izzie get to be together regardless of all the outcries of fans. all i say is let the writers do their jobs.
I´ve only been watching this show for about a month. My favorite characters are Dr. Bailey and Cristina. I think George and Izzie are both pretty neurotic and each needs someone more normal for a relationship.
Honestly, from what I had seen until this week´s episode I didn´t like Callie at all. She seems to be awfully aggressive and if she wants to smash people up against walls, why not some of the male doctors rather than Meredith, etc?
I don´t like macho women at all and if she does find out about the affair, she may beat George to a pulp with one hand tied behind her back, let alone Izzie. Anyway, it doesn´t seem like the other doctors like Callie all that much. They sure weren´t thrilled about George marrying her and what´s this with Callie´s dad threatening him? No wonder she´s the way she is.
However, Izzie needs to do the right thing and leave George alone to either sink or swim in this marriage. She did the right thing when she told him it meant nothing cuz even if she gets hurt she shouldn´t be a homewrecker-right?
Hey, all you Izzie haters, did you see that Katherine Heigl won the Emmy for best supporting actress in a drama?
Maybe Callie has a rough exterior and a heart of gold? She seemed a lot more like "Roseanne"'s TV daughter "Darlene" in the first episodes I saw. So she and George will be kinda like "Darlene and David", maybe. I can so picture Callie in a leather jacket.
Why does she want to have a baby now when she just got a promotion and when they have only been married a short while? I think she's trying to find some way to hold onto George because she's not sure of him. And I agree about it being weird to make his character such a hot ladies man cuz he's definitely not the type.
Too bad Chandra didn't win, tho. I like Bailey. She's tough on the interns/residents like "ER"'s Peter Benton and "St. Elsewhere"'s
Mark Craig were, but she's a nice person. Christina is a complex and interesting character even tho she is a workaholic.
Other than that it's a good show, but doesn't really compare with "ER", "Chicago Hope", and "St. Elsewhere". I wish they'd focus more on the medical drama and less on the personal relationships.
Here's an idea...instead of Izzie actively pursuing George and trying to wreck his marriage (which he may do a good job of with no help), why not have it be an unrequited love where her character will suffer over it and Katherine Heigl gets to show a lot of emotional range? Izzie can have hot fantasies about George and/or erotic dreams, but not actually pursue him. She can be jealous of Callie without sniping at her, and display many of the symptoms of obsessive lovers. That way Izzie would be more of a three dimensional character with some depth and not the unsympathetic shrew so many viewers see her as.
I can't believe that so many viewers don't like the George and Izzie combo. I LOVE it! I melted with the scene in last weeks episode were they looked like they were about to kiss...ahhh love isn't it great?
I think the George and Izzie relationship is wounderful! George and Callie are not meant to be together. Callie should have known better then to marry George so soon after his dad died.She should have given him more time. Then this whole mess would have been avoided and George and Izzie could be together with nothing holding them back! They are absolutly perfect for eachother! I really hope everything works out and the writters pull in favor of their relationship working out:)
izzie's hot, callie is fat. after george's meredith catastrophe he should get someone as hot as meredith. but the fat callie seems to me like a sad excuse. maybe it's just the shallow me.
izzie and george are soulmates, right from the beginning of the show.
they just do belong together.
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